Page 85 of The Seduction
Make a connection. Everyone wants connection.“You have two kids, right? I looked you up online.”
“Twin boys. Yeah. And they deserve their full inheritance.”
“Sure, but you know what’s really great? They have each other. They’re brothers. Do they get along?”
“Sometimes. When they’re not fighting with each other.”
She laughed, and for the first time, detected a hint of softness in Adam Conover. “They’re so lucky. I have two half-siblings and all I want is to be closer to them.” She tried a smile on him, a tender version that had graced the cover ofItalian Vogue. “Adam and Earl. Those are good names for brothers.”
“We’re not brothers,” he said through gritted teeth. “He was amistake. He can’t be allowed to ruin my life again. I won’t let it happen. My kids are depending on me.” He pulled his phone out and checked the time. “I’m surprised he isn’t here already.”
She caught the nervousness in his voice. “Maybe that’s because your plan isn’t working. Granger’s in the FBI. You should know better than to mess with an FBI agent.”
Uncertainty drifted across his face. The more she looked at him, the less she thought he resembled Granger. Granger didn’t have that tight mouth or those sunken eyes. He might be stern sometimes, but beneath it there was always a deep caring that he couldn’t entirely hide.
Also, this guy had zero sense of humor. Totally unlike Granger.
A complete and profound need swept over her. She longed to see Granger. Craved him.Granger, Granger.Be careful. Don’t put yourself at risk. I need you. I need you alive and in my life and by my side and in my bed and in my heart and I will love you forever, you’re the only one for me…
Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw him. Granger stood in the woods at the edge of the property, about fifty yards away. His gaze drilled into hers, his amber eyes alert as a falcon’s. He put a finger to his lips, though it wasn’t necessary. Of course she wasn’t going to tell Adam anything.
Don’t do anything reckless, she wanted to scream. Instead, she tried to communicate it silently.
In the meantime, it would be best to keep Adam talking. “Do you have other brothers and sisters besides Granger?” she asked.
“Only a half-sister,” he said gruffly. “My father remarried after the scandal. They had a girl.”
“Did you grow up with her? I bet you’re a great big brother. Very protective.”
“I saw her sometimes. I lived with my mother.”
The picture was starting to form now. If he felt secure in his relationship with his father, he probably wouldn’t need to “get rid of” Granger, whatever that involved.
“Just like Granger,” she pointed out. “He grew up without even knowing his father. Can you imagine that?”
“I don’t give a fuck. He should never have been born.”
“And even though he didn’t know his father,” she continued as if she hadn’t heard him, “he still grew into the best man I’ve ever known. He’s so kind, even though he tries to hide it behind that grumpy exterior. Sometimes I think he’s the first real grown man I’ve gotten to know, not a spoiled child who throws a tantrum when things don’t go their way.”
Adam took a threatening step toward her. “I’m not throwing a tantrum.”
“Yes, you are. You’re mad because Granger might somehow take something from you. Did it ever occur to you that he might give you something better than you ever imagined? Because that’s what he did for me.”
“You’re fucking him.” Adam punctuated that comment with a snort. “It’s a little different.”
“But he’s yourbrother.” She said the word “brother” extra loud, making sure Granger heard. If Granger inadvertently hurt his own brother, he might never forgive himself. She didn’t want that landing on his conscience.
She let her gaze slide to the woods, and saw that Granger was gone. Shit. Where had he gone? Had he heard what she said about Adam being his brother? She couldn’t take a chance on either of them hurting the other. She needed to get inside and explain this situation to him.
She pressed her hand on the edge of the chaise lounge and pushed herself onto her feet, knitting needle still in hand.
“Where are you going?” Adam spread his arms out to stop her.
“I have to pee.” She lifted her chin and pointed the needle at him.
He eyed it warily. It wasn’t much of a weapon, but it made her feel better. If he really did attack her, at least she’d have something to fight back with.
Of course she also had her Blondie act. “Omigod, the peeing just never stops. Did your wife have to pee a lot when she was pregnant? I’d love to meet her too.”