Page 34 of Entranced
He’d never get tired of the pretty blush that bloomed on her cheeks at his praise. He’d have to do his best to keep it there as much as possible.
“Enough about me. Have you made any more progress on your secret project?”
“Are you asking as a reporter or as my girlfriend?”
Teigen’s pretty pink blush turned apple red. “What do you mean?” she sputtered.
“Weeelll. I do remember you saying something about being my girlfriend when we were in my office..”
“But you didn’t say anything about it then! I thought you were ignoring it because you didn’t want it to be true.”
“We’ve been seeing each other long enough that I think we can now say it’s true, don’t you think?”
Teigen slowly nodded her head. “I guess so. I’d like that.”
“Then it’s settled. Let’s finish up dinner so we can celebrate.” He raised his eyebrows up and down with a lascivious grin. Her spontaneous laugh was music to his ears.
“Not that I’m unhappy about the way we got sidetracked, but you never answered my question about your secret project. And to make it clear, I’m asking as your girlfriend. The reporter can wait till you’re ready to share with the world…or at least D.C….or your father.”
“Hmmm. You’ve got a little brat in you I haven’t seen before. I think you’ll have to pay for that later.”
She looked at him coyly through her lashes. “Maybe just a little.”
“So you’ll be ready to pay for it later?”
“Maybe just a little. A little bratting only deserves a little punishment, right?
“Certainly for your first time. You don’t have to worry. However, just remember the more you push, the worse it will get.”
She saluted him. “Message received, sir.”
What a fun turn of events. Now that Teigen felt more comfortable with her sexuality, she might be interested in going past sensation play. It also opened more doors with erotic hypnosis in its more playful aspects. A fascinating future to look forward to. Starting tonight.
“I can’t believe you avoided my question for the second time. If you don’t want to tell me about it, just say so.”
“Sorry. I’m not avoiding you. We’ve gone off on a few delightful tangents, that’s all. I’m waiting for approval from the zoning board, which could be dicey because we’re going into a partly residential neighborhood. But I think once they see our plans, it could be one of the nicest buildings on the block, and the women wouldn’t pose a threat to the community.”
“I hope you’re right. Some of these boards get off on power trips. I’ve seen it happen.”
“I know. We’ve got all our ammunition prepared for anything they want to throw at us. Then once we’ve got the okay, the contracts will be finalized and we’ll be a go.”
Teigen’s apparent happiness for his success was welcome. After dealing with his father’s disapproval and his mother’s apathy, it was nice to have someone close to him in his corner.
They finished up dinner, and once the dishes were in the dishwasher and the leftovers in the fridge, Ellison brought Teigen into the living room. She went to sit next to him on the couch, but to her dismay, he had her sit by herself on the club chair beside him.
Ellison took her hand in his. His next statement threw her a little off. “I think it’s time for a little adventure in sex. We’ve broken through your inhibitions about orgasms. Now we should take it to the next level.”
“What does that mean? I’m not sure I’m ready.”
Ellison kissed her on the cheek with a smack. “I’m sure you are. We are going to work on orgasm control. This is where erotic hypnosis can really be fun.”
“Are you kidding me? I just got the ability to do it. How can you make me do it on command?”
“It? Don’t you mean orgasm. Let me hear you say it.”