Page 50 of Entranced
“Absolutely wonderful. And I owe it all to you.” Unable to reach his lips because of his intense grip, she turned and planted a noisy kiss on his chest.
Chuckling, he squeezed her nipple a lot harder. She wrestled herself free and climbed on top of him, grabbing his hands and pushing them into the mattress.
“Now I’m in charge.” She bent down and nipped his nipple.
In a flash, she was on her back with him on top, her hands now pressed into the mattress above her head. He stared down at her with an evil grin. “Nope. Not going to happen, I’m the Dom in this relationship, and if you’re ever on top, it’s because I put you there.”
Even though she knew it was futile, she attempted to buck him off her and turn them over again. Without exerting much effort, he held her in place, eyebrows raised in disbelief. Finally, she gave up.
“Okay, you win. You’re in control, and for the first time in my life, I actually like it.”
He let go of one hand and caressed her cheek, followed by a tender kiss. The gentleness of the action brought unexpected tears to her eyes.How did I get so lucky?
“Actually, Teigen, you’re the one in control because nothing happens without your consent. But I am honored that you would let me be your Dom. And I want to solidify this moment with something special. Don’t move.”
He got up, went to the dresser and pulled out a long box tied with a bow. He sat down next to her and motioned for her to sit against the headboard.
“I want you to know I’ve never done this before. I’ve always been so consumed with my work; I didn’t let myself become emotionally involved with anyone. But you crashed through all the barriers I set up to prevent a relationship and captured my heart and soul.”
He handed her the box and waited while she opened it. Inside was the most beautiful necklace she’d ever seen: a heart surrounded by diamonds and the initial E etched in the center above a small opening for a lock. It took her a moment to understand that this was a collar, and the E meant she belonged to him. She looked up at him in wonder.
“Teigen, you have become the center of my universe. If you accept this collar—a symbol of my ownership—I promise to love you, care for you, guide you, protect you, and make you the number one priority in my life. I will strive to never let you down, but if I do it will be because I made a mistake, not because I didn’t care. I promise to cherish your submission and never take it for granted. I want you to feel supported, nurtured and loved. Will you accept it?”
Blown away by his words, Teigen could barely speak. Her mind was spinning, her pulse pounded in excitement, and her heart almost hurt from happiness. When she realized Ellison was getting concerned she wouldn’t accept his offering, Teigen whooshed out a “Yes!”
Ellison’s relief was palpable. He grabbed her in a bear hug, crushing the box between them.
“Aren’t you supposed to put this on me?” she whispered in his ear.
“Oh yes I am and you’re never going to take it off.”
He took the box, pulled out the collar and clasped it around her neck. She heard a click as he put the two ends together.
“Now you can’t take it off without my permission. You’re mine now. All mine.”
She touched it, but she needed more. “Can I go look at it in the mirror?”
“Of course.”
She jumped up and went to the mirror over the dresser. The reflection was so shiny she almost couldn’t see it. Stunning, the diamonds just big enough to sparkle like crazy, but it was the elegant script E—Ellison’s symbol of his claim over her—that affected her the most.
“It’s the most beautiful collar I’ve ever seen. Thank you, sir.”
The word “sir” suddenly felt so right in her mouth. After rejecting the control of Bobby and her parents, she finally had the right man to walk with in life, to help her find her way, and most importantly, to genuinely love her.
“Get over here. We have to cement this relationship.” Ellison patted the bed beside him.
She ran over to lie down and press herself against him, squeezing him in her excitement.
He caressed her check and smiled. “The two halves of you have finally come together. You are now the same self-confident woman in the bedroom you are as a reporter.”
She pressed her face against his hand then turned and kissed it. Her heart swelled with gratitude and love for this man who had helped her escape from the prison of her parents’ home and more importantly, their teachings.
“I owe it all to you. Thank you thank you thank you.”
“I have to admit to ulterior motives. Once I knew I had to have you, I did everything in my power to make it happen.”
“It’s the best thing anyone has ever done for me.”