Page 57 of Entranced
Teigen shook her head.
“Then anticipate the scene with excitement. A little trepidation isn’t a bad thing, either. It adds to the fun.”
“God, Maria, I don’t know what I’d do without you. You always know how to get my head on straight.”
“It’s just experience. The more you get, the less you’ll question. And knowing Master Ellison will never push you too far will allow you to relax and enjoy. It doesn’t mean you can never say no, you’ll just say it a lot less often.”
Teigen finished up her coffee. “Thanks for the help picking out the dress, but more importantly, thanks for the advice. I have to get home now. Ellison is waiting for me for dinner. Next time we concentrate on you and Miles.”
Maria groaned. “That will take more than one evening.”
“Whatever it takes. I’ll be here for you too.”
They embraced and went their separate ways, leaving Teigen feeling less apprehensive about the demo. All she had to do was concentrate on being up there with Ellison. The rest didn’t matter.
* * *
Ellison couldn’t wait for Saturday night. After his meeting at his firm, when to his shock, no one asked to leave, he was walking on air. The demo was the final key to his strategy for completing his path to independence, ironically by committing himself to Teigen in front of his friends at Black Light. His collaring of her had been spur of the moment, compelled by having her back with him after her kidnapping. He wanted to declare his love for her formally.
Teigen threw herself into work on her next article. He wasn’t sure if she was avoiding him or just working hard and he didn’t want to assume. Even though she spent an inordinate time in the office working, he knew that by Saturday night, she wouldn’t be able to hide from him anymore.
He concentrated on his own work for the rest of the week, and by the time Saturday rolled around, he felt like a schoolboy getting ready for prom.
Teigen, on the other hand, was skittish all day. She jumped out of bed in the morning to make breakfast instead of lying around to cuddle, something she enjoyed doing on other weekend mornings.
He needed to calm her down. He walked into the kitchen to find a hurricane of measuring cups, flour, butter, and a skillet. “What are you making?”
“Pancakes. We haven’t had them, and they’re my favorite.”
He walked over to her, brushing flour off her nose. “We would have had them before if I’d known. I want to do everything in my power to make you happy, and if you like pancakes, we’ll have them. But after breakfast, I want you to take a long, hot bubble bath, and relax. I suspect your yen for pancakes has something to do with what’s happening tonight.”
She couldn’t look him in the eye. He circled her into his arms and stood there, having her lean against him, letting their breathing mesh. “Teigen, I want you to enjoy this evening, I want us to share our erotic hypnosis practices with our friends, to show them how in sync we are. Doesn’t that appeal to you?”
She nuzzled in closer, allowing him to pull her in tighter in hopes of giving her a sense of security. He wanted to be her rock, her center, the place she could be safe. He covered her face with tiny kisses, murmuring “I love you” after each kiss.
Her body shook and he realized she was crying. “God, Teigen, what is it?”
“I’m afraid…of disappointing you …”
“You could never ever disappoint me unless you leave me. What I have planned should be playful. And as you requested you will not be required to get naked.”
“What about an orgasm onstage. I’m not sure I’d like that.”
“You did say it was okay in a scene, and this will be a scene. You will be concentrating on me. You probably won’t even notice the audience once we get started. But remember, even under trance you have the ability to say stop. If you are not comfortable with what is going on, you always, always, always have your safe word. I would never violate your trust by not responding to it.”
“But I wouldn’t want to humiliate youby doing that.”
He stepped back so he could look her in the eye. “Teigen, you will never humiliate me by calling a safe word. If you remember nothing else about BDSM, remember that. We will be among like-minded people. They will understand.”
He hoped he’d put her mind to rest. The last thing he wanted was to cause her anguish. “Hey, I’m looking forward to these homemade pancakes. Get going!” He smacked her lightly on the ass. Her giggle assured him that for now she was okay. He hoped she’d be fine this evening.
After Teigen went into the locker room to get dressed for the demo, Jaxson walked over to Ellison. “I’m glad to hear about your new membership status. You’ve made a great contribution to this club, not just with your teaching but by participating in the kind of community we’ve built here. Teigen will be a welcome addition.”