Page 11 of Perfect Match
“What are you doing here?” Meadow says with a laugh to her voice as she runs down the steps of her and Heath’s place to meet us on the sidewalk.
Heath and Meadow were just going inside when they saw us at the same time. I don’t know about anyone else, but being together like this feels…right. It’s my other half next door and the woman I’m madly in love with in my home. What more could I ask for? Marriage, babies, a happily ever after? Yeah, okay so maybe one or two more things.
“It’s, um, a long story.” Briar glances back at me, and I can see her hesitation to tell Meadow the whole story about her apartment and the creepy men.
The moment she saw the couple of messages I showed her, Briar knew she’d fucked up. I’m not going to beat her up about a mistake that really was innocent, even though I’m still livid that she put herself in danger. Briar is a gentle and trusting soul, which is what I love most about her. I don’t want to push that out of her or scare it away. Instead, I’ll be the one that keeps her safe, and she can live blissfully with the kittens and butterflies.
“Thanks to you two, we’ve decided to use my place as ground zero for wedding plans.” I nudge Briar with my shoulder, and I see the relief in her eyes that I’m not throwing her under the bus with her sister.
“Speaking of,” Meadow continues talking to Briar, and if she’s suspicious about my reason for Briar being here, she doesn’t show it. “Dress shopping tomorrow. I called the boutique, and they want us there bright and early.”
“You got it.” Briar nods and makes a note on her phone.
“You ready?” Heath grabs Meadow around the waist, and they share a look that I have a feeling isn’t meant for anyone but the two of them.
“We need to go,” I say to Briar, and I see she’s noticed how Heath and Meadow are looking at one another.
Does she feel the same conflicting emotions I do? I'm so happy for my twin that I can’t wait to celebrate his wedding, but I’m also so envious that he’s able to hold his forever in his arms whenever he wants. Does the same ache in her heart feel both amazing and awful at the same time?
“Yeah,” she says, and there’s a moment when our eyes meet and something passes between us. I can’t tell exactly what it is, but her fingers brush against my hand, and her pinky wraps around mine.
“See you guys later,” Heath says without looking back at us, and the two of them race into their house.
“Okay, so flowers,” Briar says as a way to clear the air of the engaged couple.
“Flowers,” I agree.
When we get to the greenhouse, she heads straight for the hot chocolate bar, and I have to hide my smile at her specific instructions on how she takes it. She always asks for toasted marshmallows, and it’s pretty damn cute.
“You think she’ll like these?” I point to a nearby bouquet as she takes her drink from the barista.
“Oh gross, roses.”
“Who hates roses?” I scrunch my nose in confusion.
“Me.” She walks over to the next table and points out a few more. “And if I’m going to have to hold flowers, I’m not holding roses. These are pretty.”
“Should we go with the beachy theme and keep it tropical?” I offer as she looks over to the next table.
“Good idea. Besides, I love succulents.”
“You want to carry cacti?” I pause and raise an eyebrow at her.
“What?” She shrugs and moves closer to the table that must have a hundred different kinds.
The more I think about it, the more I can see it. Briar is unlike any woman I’ve ever met in my life, and of course she wouldn’t want the typical wedding bouquet. She’s special and unique, and her beauty can’t be contained to a box. She’s vibrant and colorful like these arrays of succulents, and I wouldn’t want her to ever blend in.
“It’s perfect,” I tell her, then take her hand. She looks so perfect here among them, and all I want to do is kiss her. So I bend down, but just as our lips are about to connect, we’re interrupted.
“Hey, you must be Mace and Briar. I’m so happy to meet you.” The manager comes and breaks the moment.
I try not to show my frustration once again at my moment being stolen and instead focus on why we’re here. We spend the next hour going over details, and I basically just back up everything Briar says.
As we’re finishing up, I feel my pocket vibrate and reach in to check my phone. When I see the text on the screen, I realize it’s not my phone, but Briar’s. The screen is locked, but I can read the message from someone named Mike.