Page 100 of One Bossy Offer
After waving the dogs back inside, I go to my room and start packing. No clue how long I’ll be away, so I just dump several days of clothes in my suitcase.
Jenn stirs awake from the noise.
I glance over and find her still peacefully snuggled in my bed.
“Sorry. I would’ve waited, but something came up that can’t,” I whisper, almost too low for her to hear me.
She sits up in bed and looks at me, her brows knit together.
Shit, shit.
What do I even say? I can’t get her mixed up in this more than she already is.
So I just turn my back and head into the closet, retrieving a small pile of boxers for my bag.
“Miles?” Her voice draws my eyes to her. “Miles, what’s wrong?”
“There’s been a PR incident. I need to get to Seattle right now.”
“Incident? Are you okay?”
Goddamn. This is not the rabbit hole I need to go down right now.
“I’m fine. We’re fine. Everyone’s fine. The man on the moon is fine,” I growl, checking over what I’ve packed.
“Jeez. Why are you snapping at me?”
“Because. I don’t have time for twenty questions today. I promise I’ll explain more after I get to the office and see what I’m dealing with.”
“Well, if it’s that serious...” She climbs out of bed and walks around me into the closet. She opens the drawer she uses for her overnight things and starts tossing clothes into my suitcase.
Here comes the part of the conversation I didn’t even know I’d have to dread.
I dive into my luggage, pluck her clothes out, and set them gently on the bed.
“But why?” Then her mouth pulls into a thin line. “Oh. You don’t want me to come.”
It’s half question, half statement.
All heartbreak.
“There’s been another problem with—fuck it, you already know.”
“Simone?” Her eyes are saucers.
“Yeah. And I don’t want you mixed up in more of her crap. It’s better this way. Safer. Jenn, she wants to get to me, so let her deal with me alone.”
I swore I’d protect her. What kind of man would I be if I risk letting her get dragged further through the mud?
“You’re still hiding something,” she says weakly.
“What?” I fold my arms, throwing her a look. “Jennifer, please. I don’t have time for drama. Not today.”
“So, you don’t want to risk me being hurt by her because she’s already done something horrible you won’t tell me about?”
I can’t decide if there’s more hurt or anger in her eyes.
“It’s not your problem. It’s mine, kitten, and you shouldn’t be involved. Hell, you already rose to the occasion so beautifully once. You’re the reason Pinnacle Pointe came out of that on the other side. It’s fucking unfair to ask you to deal with that again, especially when it’s not even work related.”
I wish like hell it was. But this time, it’s personal.
“That wasn’t just for you, you know? I love this town.”
“You’re missing my point. The town wouldn’t have been in trouble without my history with this vampire bat. The latest crisis is my fault, too.”
“Your fault? Yeah, right. How?”
“She won’t give up. She’s a ruthless fucking empire builder. If she can’t strong-arm me into reconsidering working with her—and I never will—she’ll do her damnedest to take me down. Simone Niehaus doesn’t give a single solitary shit who gets caught in the crossfire.”
“I’m technically still part of your creative team. And even if I’m not, I’m part of your life...aren’t I?” She swallows thickly. “Look, whatever this crisis is, I should come. Let me be there for you.”
The sadness hanging in her eyes makes this agonizing.
“You have Bee Harbor and a life here. I’m not disrupting that when you’re reaching a critical stage with the reopening plans, let alone putting you in her sights.”
“Miles, I don’t care. I want to support you. I just—I don’t want you to have to go through this alone. That isn’t fair.” Her voice hitches and she swipes at the corner of her eye.
Fuck, she’s going to be the death of me.
That’s my kitten. Such a sweet, gentle girl who cares too much for a man who doesn’t deserve her.
There’s nothing I can say here that doesn’t make me sound like a coldhearted jackass.
All the more reason why I’ll never forgive myself if I let her waltz into becoming one more target for Simone’s machinations.
“The answer’s still no. I’m sorry. I’d rather risk having you hate me than risk fucking up your life,” I growl, searching her eyes.
“How noble.” Sarcasm drips from her voice.
My lip curls.
I don’t blame her for being upset.
I’m such a flaming hypocrite I don’t know how I’ll stand to look at myself in the mirror.
If this were the other way around—if someone hurt Jenn and she wouldn’t tell me who or let me fix it—I’d be volcanic with rage.
I’m her partner.
My place is right beside her.