Page 117 of Revived Noble
Her dress? Flawless.
Sure, I’d seen it the day at her fitting, but that was months ago. Witnessing the finished product…it’s no comparison. It fits her personality and her figure perfectly.
The white dress is not too simple but not over the top either. It has a full skirt that cinches in at her waist. Her train is long and embroidered with a dainty beaded fabric that fills the entirety of the base. The lush material rises before meeting the sheer sleeves around her arms.
Cole is going to lose it when he sees her, I know it. And if he doesn’t, then my fist might just have to meet his stomach and gainsomesort of reaction. A roomful of friends and family won’t stop me either if it means he shows some sort of emotion.
I doubt it’ll be necessary, but I’ll have it balled and ready in case.
“Hey, I got that wrinkle out of your veil. Thank God I thought ahead and brought a steamer—”
Hailey’s feet come to an alarming halt, seeing me as she steps out of the attached bathroom. Aiden is hot on her heels.
“Finn?” Her voice rises in octave with each new step back into the room. “What are you doing here?”
I don’t take it personally, convincing myself it’s out of her need for me not to see the bride yet andnotbecause she doesn’t want to see me herself.
“I need help with this.” My nose scrunches, reaching for the black satin dangling around my neck. “Besides, I would’ve seen her sooner or later anyway. Iamthe one walking Rory down the aisle.”
Best man and official bride escort. That’s right, I’m pulling double duty at this wedding.
The lines on Hailey’s mouth thin out.
It’s Rory who takes pity on me and erases the small bit of distance between us and helps me correct my tie. Hailey stays planted where my sister previously was by the mirror.
“Get out!” Williams splutters once Rory’s finished. Her brows rise and dip, meeting her cheeks. “She’s not ready yet.”
Okay, soooo there’s the possibility itwaspersonal, and I should’ve taken it that way.
I drink a little too much, confess my feelings for the girl I love in a roomful of people, and then I’m forced outside for some air. I set down my son, and he almost drowns, and suddenly,I’mthe bad guy?
Fuck. Me.
This is the irony of everything, though, isn’t it? Getting fucked is how we got into this mess, both literally and figuratively.
I have zero problems fucking Williams, but I’m the one who got screwed in the end.
Hailey, on the other hand? Her addiction was never as cavalier as drugs or alcohol but escaping reality instead. Too bad for her. Her reality is right in front of her and she doesn’t know when to quit. I refuse to even blink while staring her down.
“I forgot the pins to attach this to your hair downstairs. I’ll be back in a bit,” Hailey says once the pressure becomes too thick.
My grin is hidden. It’s as proud as it is sad because I know her well enough to understand. I knew this was exactly what she’d do.
“Come on, Aiden, let’s get you settled with Grandpa downstairs,” Hailey quips, extending her arm for him to reach her hand.
“Let him stay,” I request sternly, even if my eyes beg in contrast.
Hailey’s nod is subtle, hardly anything at all, but then her arms swing back to her side and she shuffles past.
Distracting myself from yet another wave of disappointment, I purposefully use my son to hide my failure. Bending down, I crouch to my knees after I notice him pulling at his undone tie. Like father, like son.
Unlike mine, his is simple—lucky guy, so all I have to do is snap it in place with a button on the back, and he’s good to go.
“I want to apologize again about last night,” I start, never shifting from my crouched position.
I hear Rory move behind me. Most likely grabbing something, or maybe she’s just anxious. I’m not sure, but I do know it’s easier saying this without looking her in the eye.
“It’s definitely not how I expected the night to go,” she agrees. Shockingly, though, she doesn’t sound as upset as I expected her to be.