Page 125 of Revived Noble
He shakes his head from side to side with a mischievous grin.
“No, hmm? Who helped you then?”
It’s a decent trek from my mom’s porch to where I am for someone with such small legs. Mom must be around here somewhere—
“Did you know they say whoever you are thinking about while standing in front of the ocean is the person you’re in love with?”
I whip around so fast I see spots in my vision.
“The one and only,” he teases, eating up the small amount of remaining distance between us.
I blink, not trusting my gaze, a handful of stars still wandering around in my eyes.
Awestruck, my mouth hangs agape. “What are you…how did…huh?” I splutter, so befuddled.
When Finn stops in front of us, my heart leaps with a hard thud. Reservation is a bleak trail across his face, while mine is nothing but jumbled words and breathless sputters.
A twisted sense of déjà vu settles over me. Back in high school, he’d done this same thing, springing himself up from nothing as if appearing from thin air just like now.
“You’re here—”
“—Aiden! Come inside,” my mom yells, cutting in from the porch. Waving her hand, she tosses another whistle between her teeth. “I have more candy your dad brought if you agree to come with me and give your parents some space,” she bribes.
Aiden’s eyes go wide at the prospect. “More candy?”
“Is that a yes for Grandma then?” I barely get the question out before he’s already jumping down from my arms and kicking up sand on his way back to the deck’s wooden stairs.
I wipe my hands to my thighs, even if it does nothing to help. The stickiness from wiping Aiden’s face is one thing, but the clamminess is what I’m really concerned about.
Why am I suddenly so rattled, being alone here with Finn?
Finn’s hands find his pockets, and the guy who’s never unsure unexpectedly seems shy. “So, were you thinking about anyone?” he asks, getting us back on topic now that it’s only us.
My heart jolts against the cage of my ribs so aggressively I swear it’s trying to find a way to kick its way free.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
The smirk I shoot him is a little excited, a little reckless. “You.”
Deep grooves form around his lips as his own grin grows lively at my comment. Liking my answer.
“Good. Because I never stopped.”
“Stopped what?”
“Thinking about you.”
Another thud sounds, adding to my already beaten nerves, when he steps into me and tucks a finger underneath my chin, forcing me to look him dead in the eye. The setting sun casts a glow on them. Finn’s eyes are beautiful and alert, all of his focus on me.
Only me.
“You know I haven’t had the best luck on this beach,” Finn wisecracks. He’s referring to the spring break from years before.
“I guess our goodbyes have always looked like second chances,” I whisper.
His eyes shine with tenderness and humor. “Goodbyes? What are those? I don’t think you’ve ever gifted me with such a courtesy.”