Page 40 of Revived Noble
Rory and I both bark out a laugh.
Icandothis.I got this.I reaffirm in my head for what must be the thousandth time while shoving Hailey and Rory out the door and after they’re gone.
My sister is only slightly less amused by my antics than Hailey.
“I got it. Go enjoy your alfredo night.”
“It’s a mac and cheese night,” they huff in unison.
“Whatever,” I say dully. The door is already halfway shut in their faces.
The last hour has been nonstop, with Hailey spitting out dos and don’ts. She made me lists with directions, lists with rules, lists, lists, lists. Lists for everything.
Everything Aiden could ever possibly need packed, labeled, or stuffed inside the bag she brought with her. I know because she reminded me of this tidbit eighty million times.
Coach wanted me to be more responsible this summer and what’s more mature than taking care of your own kid?
Expanding my airway, I take a deep breath and head back into the kitchen, plastering on an overripe smile.
Food, Aiden’s in his high chair, munching away at the last of the dinner Hailey brought.
See. Easy.
I take a seat beside him on a matching barstool, admiring his green-colored cheeks. More bits of the mashed-up food between his fists.
“Maybe an avocado wasn’t the best choice, yeah?”
Once he’s finished, I round the island, grab a washcloth, and clean him up. So far, so good.
“More milk,” he orders after slurping and clapping the now-empty sippy cup to the counter.
Tossing the rag, I lap the island again and open the fridge. “Shit,” I mumble under my breath. We’re out.
Shuffling, I scan what we do have, all while wondering how it’s possible to have a fully staffed house and have zero milk?
“Mmmm, what about some water?” I muse over my shoulder.
His round eyes blink slowly back at me. The action is very condescending in its nature. Who knew a child could make me feel less than while not saying a single word?
I turn back, exploring the contents of the fridge but come up short once again.
“Milk!” Aiden demands, getting flustered. “More milk, more milk!” he chants while my nerves jump further beneath my skin.
I check the time on the stovetop, cursing some more. Hailey said no juice after seven. Think Finn, think.
I come up with nothing.
Shrugging my shoulders, I roll my neck.It’s alright. I got this. Rational, calm, he’ll understand. Everything is under control.
Tentatively, I make my way back over and lean an elbow to the counter meeting him at an equal level. “Listen, buddy, we’re out of milk, but we do have water. That work?”
You can do this. You’re the adult. You’re in charge.
He ponders that for maybe half a second then, “Juice?” Compromising.