Page 9 of Revived Noble
The music pulses and my thoughts dissipate right along with them with every new beat. Eventually, once I’m numbed to the bone, I reach for her hand. She follows, and I drive us both back to my place for the night.
Adulthood is absolutely the worst hood I’ve ever lived in.
I’mfreshoutofthe shower, drying my hair with a towel, when Cole welcomes himself into my bedroom without warning. I don’t bother giving him a response, continuing with my morning routine.
I doubt Cole has ever entered a room by being invited in. He just barges his way through, sort of how he lives life too.
His eyes flash, creasing slightly at the edges when they land on my bed but then they’re slicing right back at me. I don’t react to that either.
“Rory is staying down there a few extra days,” he states flatly.
Thisdoesgain my attention. My fingers stall around the plush cotton. And here I thought I’d dreamed that entire conversation last night at the bar.
I let out a breath, wishful thinking.
I’m not sure if I’m relieved by the news or annoyed. A twisted, messed-up part of me is grateful because I wasn’t enough to bring her back, so Rory shouldn’t be either. I’m also agitated as fuck because I have a massive hangover and the alcohol isn’t what’s given me the headache.
Cole stares at me long and hard.
I blink, doing nothing.
“I’ll be staying a few extra days up here until she’s back. I’ll mostly be in my room shadowing conference calls from my laptop.” His lashes flick back behind me momentarily.
Cole staying up here at our joint house is nothing new if Rory’s not around. He basically lived at my childhood home growing up after his mom died because his dad’s a cock weasel.
I shake my head, shoving down those depressing thoughts. I’m not in the mood to dive back into that drama when there’s a fresh batch with this whole Hailey situation in play.
Anyway, back to Cole, he stayed over in one of our spare bedrooms most nights when we were younger. That is until Rory came back, and he decided he liked her vagina as much as she did his cock. Then Lil Sis’s room went from hers to theirs.
“Hey, did you ask Rory about b-a-b-y?”
“You know everyone in this room can spell, right?” Cole answers, matching my tone with dripping sarcasm.
It gets ignored, but I don’t feel any less demeaned.
“I would hope you’d have enough decency to check and make sure,” he deadpans.
My shoulders straighten as my posture widens because of perfect timing. I could slap my forehead with the awesome luck I have. The mound underneath my bedcover chooses this exact moment to stir before a foot with pink toenails pokes out from the side.
The edge of Cole’s mouth lifts a millimeter as if to further drive his point before it falls back to its natural place. A scowl.
“Keep. It. Down,” he grunts, and then he’s gone, slamming the door behind him.
I take a few giant steps and then I whip it back open. “You never answered my question.”
“Don’t let this one eat all Eli’s granola before she dips out. He was pissed last time that happened,” he answers instead, only ever giving me his back.
I smack the door back shut with the same gusto he had moments before.
I huff, jutting out my fist in agitation as if he could see me. It was only a question, no need to be rude, and that only happened once. Maybe twice, but that’s it.
Besides, the decent thing would be to let a guy have the right to know if his best friend impregnated his sister. Right?