Page 31 of The Black Cat
“What does it do?” Mariah asked, poking at it with a nail.
“Do not do that! You don’t know if it will harm you!” Benedict announced, and Mariah withdrew her finger.
“It isn’t meant to hurt anybody. It is filled with protection spells and spells to help you maintain control. Which, after the stunts you and Mariah have been pulling on one another, is a good thing!” Hilary replied.
Mariah blushed as Benedict snorted. Mariah waited as Benedict decided what to do. She recognised his expression as the one he wore when talking to the Black Cat. Carefully, Benedict touched the amulet and withdrew his finger quickly. When nothing happened, he picked it up and studied it.
All the while, to Mariah’s amusement, he kept sending sharp looks at the four witches. Finally, Mariah snapped, and she grabbed the amulet and jammed it over his head!
“Mariah!” Benedict roared, and then his face looked confused and almost quizzical.
“Well?” Mariah demanded.
“I am in complete control. I was angry for a fleeting moment, and then it disappeared. This is a true gift, and I’m unworthy of such a generous offering, but I thank you all,” Benedict spoke with a small bow.
“The reckoning is coming; do you understand that? Events are in motion that cannot be stopped. Be on guard and watch over your charge. There will be no turning back once you choose your path,” Hillary said, gazing at him.
Mariah shifted, wondering what the witches saw that she couldn’t.
Benedict sent them a confused stare before nodding and disappearing.
“He needs some new clothes; they are rather garish!” Prudence commented, and Mariah stifled a giggle.
Mariah’s nose twitched, and she nodded, knowing full well she’d done that to him. Rose-Marie leaned forward.
“The winds are changing. Whatever road Benedict chooses, it will be difficult. You’ll walk by his side. We’ve seen this. But please note, Mariah, in the moment of choosing, there is only one option. We cannot help further until it is time. From here on in, you’re alone with Benedict on this path.”
“What do you mean?” Mariah demanded, puzzled.
“That is the only warning we’re allowed to give you, my dear. Be alert and trust your feelings. They will not guide you wrong,” Edith added as she rose.
“Trust in Benedict and yourself,” Rose-Marie said, and then they left Mariah standing behind, looking confused.
He rummaged through his treasures, searching for one in particular. Benedict remembered seeing it amongst his belongings but could not find it. The return of his amulet had jogged his memory and blast it. Now he needed something, it would go missing.
“Are you seeking this, Benedict?” Lady Catherine asked, appearing. She held out a moonstone pendant that glowed from within.
“Yes!” Benedict said and reached for it.
Lady Catherine pulled it back against her chest and stared at him sternly.
“You understand what this necklace is?”
“It’s one of protection,” Benedict replied, wondering why Catherine wasn’t giving it to him.
“It is more than that, Benedict. The pendant holds a sliver of my power. It’ll protect Mariah against even me,” Lady Catherine said, sitting down.
“Will it defend Mariah against Vemis and me?” Benedict demanded.
“Yes, for enough time for Mariah to escape. But should you not wish her to leave with this pendant, I couldn’t stop her.”
“Why shouldn’t I wish Mariah to flee?” Benedict asked, not liking this conversation.
Lady Catherine regarded him solemnly, and Benedict shook his head in horror.
“I would never drain Mariah!” he exclaimed, and Lady Catherine made a rude noise.