Page 39 of The Black Cat
Mr Todd informed her that Klaus had spoken to them early that morning. Offering them money to pack up and leave. The foreman had been insulted and torn Klaus a new one. Good! Mariah couldn’t believe the arrogance of him. And swore right there and then that no matter what happened, she’d never sell to him! How dare he try to sabotage her inn? Luckily, Mr Evan’s team was honest. They were also monitoring Klaus, and Mariah had overheard talk about securing their equipment.
Meanwhile, he could sulk as much as he wished on the far side of the wide river. Klaus Anderson would not stop Mariah from doing as she wanted.
“Hello?” Melisandre called, and Mariah jumped.
“I’m in my kitchen, last door down the hallway,” Mariah called back and took out another loaf of bread. Benedict seemed to inhale food, so Mariah had made extra for him, but now she had a guest. Or guests, as Melisandre entered accompanied by Emile and another woman. Melisandre wore jeans and a jumper, while the two women wore long gowns.
“Your Grace,” Mariah spoke, dropping into a curtesy.
Emile blew a raspberry.
“Stop that! Friends do not curtesy. This is Henrietta Courtenay, Viscountess Ravenell, and don’t curtsey to her either. Henrietta never stands on ceremony!” Emile added with a wicked grin.
Henrietta rolled her eyes.
“Would you like to stay for lunch? It’s just sandwiches, and a few bits thrown together,” Mariah offered.
“Love to. But I’ve got work to check. Can I leave these two here with you?” Melisandre sought.
“Of course!” Mariah said as Henrietta peered out the window at the glowering Klaus.
“Who is that?” Henrietta asked.
Mariah explained as she cut up more sandwiches and wrapped them before opening the fridge and grabbing the makings of a salad. She had pork pies and mini sausages that she could also put out. She pulled out some chicken sticks and gala pie and busied herself preparing a bigger lunch than she’d originally planned.
“Be back soon!” Henrietta chortled as Mariah raised her head.
“Oh no!” Emile sighed.
“What?” Mariah asked, alarmed.
“Just watch,” Emile said, resigned.
Henrietta appeared in front of the window as she slowly walked through the overgrown area at the rear of the inn.
Mariah saw Klaus peer across and look again as Henrietta delicately wandered through. Klaus sat up straight in his chair, and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.
“Oh no, is she going to antagonise him?” Mariah asked.
“Not in the way you think. It appears she has an affinity for water,” Emile murmured. Mariah looked at her, concerned. What did that mean?
Klaus called out to Henrietta with a smirk on his face. She completely ignored him as she stood staring at the river. He said something again and made a rude gesture, but Henrietta didn’t respond. A frown crossed Klaus’s face as he gazed at the slight figure in front of him. This time he shouted something louder, and even Mariah heard him. But Henrietta continued her calm stare at the water.
Mariah’s eyes widened as suddenly an enormous wave rocked Klaus’s canal boat, sending him sprawling. Henrietta picked up her skirts and dashed back around the side of the inn as a second and third broke over the boat. Klaus sprung to his feet, soaking wet, and stared at the place Henrietta had been standing in. He rubbed his face in disbelief and searched around him, but there was no sign of Henrietta.
“I bet he thinks I’m a ghost!” Henrietta chortled as she ran into the kitchen. The three watched as Klaus studied the spot Henrietta had been standing and the river. He lifted his head as Mariah dropped the blind so he couldn’t see in.
“I felt a surge of power!” Benedict exclaimed, appearing out of thin air.
Mariah jumped and squealed as Emile was more ladylike. Meanwhile, Henrietta spun on Benedict and enveloped him in a hug. Then, to Mariah’s delight, she smacked him around the back of his head.
“Stubborn jackass!” Henrietta said, and Benedict’s mouth dropped open.
“Henrietta Harrington!” Benedict exclaimed.
“Courtenay, thank you. I wed the miserable toad,” Henrietta chirped, and amusement lit Benedict’s eyes.
“That is not a surprise! No more than Emile marrying Harcourt. You know, I always liked Harcourt. So stuffy, yet we all knew where we stood with him. We Nortons bet on him winning your hand,” Benedict said with a smile, which faded when Henrietta smacked him again.