Page 42 of The Black Cat
“When?” Rose-Marie asked, worried.
“It will be soon! They must be here immediately. The chains just broke on Lucian Norton. Lucian is free and human once more. Events are in motion for Benedict we cannot stop. Let us pray he chooses the right path!”
Chapter Ten.
She was sound asleep when she found herself tossed from bed and landing on her bottom.
“What on earth?” she exclaimed as Benedict began yanking her from the room. Once in the hallway, Mariah understood why. She smelt smoke.
“No! My inn!” Mariah exclaimed as she shrugged on the robe Benedict was forcing around her.
“Lady Catherine is putting the flames out. But our control slipped, and Vemis stirred. You need to leave Mariah!” Benedict cried. Mariah stared at him, horrified.
“Is he awake?”
“No, but he is waking. Lady Catherine is pouring power into the walls to reinforce them and extinguish the fire. Alone, my energy is not enough, and he is slowly regaining awareness. We have time to get you to safety,” Benedict explained as Mariah dashed back into her room for her phone and car keys.
“Fluffers!” she shouted.
“He’s downstairs,” Benedict replied.
Together they hurried down the stairs, and Mariah headed for the side door to the apartment.
“No, there’s a small fire there. This way, Mariah!” Benedict said, pulling her away from the exit.
“Fluffers!” Mariah cried, seeing a streak of grey fur heading towards her. The cat leapt into her arms, and Mariah pulled him closer.
“Wait here for either Lady Catherine or me. I must lock Vemis down!” Benedict said and disappeared.
Mariah gave a sob and held Fluffers close. She backed away to near the entrance and waited for one of the two ghosts. The front door exploded, and a tall, dark figure stormed in. Before Mariah could identify him, he struck her with such force she was knocked to her knees.
A hand crept into her hair, and her head was yanked up hard. She stared into the fierce and maddened eyes of Klaus Anderson. He hit her again, and Fluffers flew from her arms with a screech.
“All you had to do was sell me the inn!” Klaus roared at her.
Mariah cowered away from the insane man.
“This is my home!” Mariah shrieked angrily.
“And it holds someone very important, doesn’t it?” Klaus yelled back. “Where is he?”
“Benedict?” Mariah asked, confused.
“The Master Vampire, you stupid girl. I know he’s here. He’s been whispering in my thoughts for months. The power he promises shall be mine. Not that coward who’s half dead. I will rule the world, and you won’t even be a speck in my eye!” Klaus chortled.
“You’re mad! There’s no Master Vampire!” Mariah denied.
“Don’t lie! I’ll kill you, and it can be either quick or painful. Tell me where Master Vemis is!”
“There’s no such thing!” Mariah cried, shuffling away from him.
Where were Lady Catherine and Benedict? Why didn’t they know Klaus had broken in?
“Stop lying to me!” Klaus aimed a kick at her, and Mariah barely moved out of the way in time. Outside, the night was pitch black, and she could see the rain pouring in through the open doorway. It was her only hope of escape, but Klaus was in front of her.
The man looked insane, like he’d completely lost the plot. He was foaming at the mouth when he yelled at her. His eyes were sunken into his head, had heavy bags, and the whites of his eyes were almost entirely bloodshot. Klaus’s clothes were rumpled, the smart businessman was gone, and a creature craving power was left in his place.