Page 44 of The Black Cat
She could see the struggle taking place as Benedict hunched over, trying to deny the scent of the warm, fresh blood.
“Drink!” a voice whispered through the inn.
“Master!” Klaus screamed in desperation as Benedict pinned him with a glare.
“Feed, Norton, and become mine. Be more powerful than you could imagine!” the whisper commanded.
“I will be more powerful than you, Vemis!” Benedict hissed. “Do you think your sire hold will tether me? I shall break it just like I broke this human!”
“Then consume him. Fulfil your destiny,” Vemis whispered, stumbling into view.
Mariah’s gaze widened in horror at the shuffling dried husk that collapsed on the floor. The vampire’s skin was withered and dry and clung to his bones like a mummy. Mariah shook her head in despair as Benedict stared at Klaus and dipped a finger into the blood.
“Benedict! No! Fight!” Mariah begged, her eyes focused on him. She couldn’t bear to look at Klaus, who was dying as he remained pinned to the wall.
Benedict took two steps towards her, and his gaze was directed at her throat.
“Mariah, you have to run. I can’t control the creature anymore,” Benedict whispered. Mariah could see the battle in him as he struggled not to launch himself at her.
“Please fight for me,” Mariah begged.
“Mariah, I love you with everything in my heart. But the monster is unleashed. Flee!” Benedict thundered as he stumbled two steps towards her.
There was a yowl, and a streak of grey attacked Benedict, scratching his face and eyes. Benedict roared, and his hands came to his face to rip Fluffers away. But Fluffers leapt down and rushed for the open door.
“Mariah, run!” Lady Catherine’s voice appeared from everywhere and nowhere.
Mariah sobbed as she scrambled to her feet and began moving towards the exit. Benedict tracked her as his head twisted to follow her.
“I’m going to kill you, Mariah. Hurry,” he snarled, struggling not to approach her.
“Benedict, fight,” Mariah urged as she cowered near the door.
Benedict was fighting against his nature and was losing.
“Mariah, I am a mere second from ripping your throat out. Flee now. Before it’s too late,” Benedict warned as he stepped towards her.
“Go on, chase her, tear her heart out. Feast on her boy; become mine!” Vemis urged.
“Go to hell!” Benedict cried, stepping away.
Mariah’s eyes filled with tears and hope as Benedict took another step forward.
“I’ll be back with help. Lucian will come!” Mariah announced.
Her words were enough to shock Benedict from his bloodlust. The redness of his eyes faded, and his fangs retreated.
“Lucian is dead, Mariah,” Benedict responded, confused.
“No, he’s alive. He’s with my friend Maggie at the Jekyll and Hyde. Maggie stated they beat his evil, and he returned to life as a reward. I’ll fetch him, Benedict, and he’ll help!” Mariah cried and cringed as Benedict’s eyes turned bloodshot. His hands reached for her, turning into claws, and his lips peeled back and bared his teeth.
“You knew my brother was alive and hid it from me?” Benedict roared and lunged for Mariah.
Mariah screamed and leapt out the door, and Benedict hit the barrier that kept him prisoner alongside his nemesis. Mariah landed on all fours and stared over her shoulder at the raging man, flinging himself against the invisible restraint.
Benedict surrendered to the bloodlust, and Mariah knew she couldn’t bring him back. That vile creature, Klaus Anderson, had triggered him tonight, and Benedict was lost. Vemis was free, and there was no returning from this nightmare. Horrified, Mariah watched as Benedict flung himself over and over against the barrier. Mariah pulled out her phone as she bit back a sob and dialled a number. Tears ran down her face, and she waited for it to connect.
“Mariah?” Maggie asked sleepily.