Page 14 of A Song of Thieves
“Then, I’m in,” I said. My motivations at the time may not have been Turin’s survival, but I came around once I saw men like Reynauld all but running this city.
Marg probably thought a half-starved, half-frozen young girl with nowhere to go was an easy yes. And it was, except thatyeswasn’t because of her promise of food and shelter. What she promised me was to become the hand of justice— a hand I had once desperately needed, and didn’t get. I would be able to hurt the people that hurt me.
And I have. I didn’t become a monster, killing all those who wronged me in a streak of vengeance. But I became something better. Something more. I became the shadows. The darkness that once hid corruption became the shining blaze of truth under my hand. Marg knew Felshan needed more, someone who could work outside the lines of integrity and law. She found me, and together the country has gone from failing miserably after the death of their prince, to decently surviving.
Anytime I bring up the apathetic king and queen, Marg just glares at me and tells me to mind my own business. It feels like the country has been trapped in amber, awaiting a princess we hardly know to take the throne and, hopefully, fix the broken pieces of this land— permanently.
Princess Adalena is to marry some wealthy lord's son I never bothered to learn the name of, and together change the depressing trajectory of Felshan.
“Ari, do you understand?” Marg says, pulling me from my thoughts.
“Reconnaissance only. Got it.” I nod to her, slightly annoyed that I won’t get to extend some payback tonight on behalf of the people. Reynauld may not have directly hurt me and my mother, but his web of exploitation is a large part of why Turin can’t seem to recover, and why the people are still suffering.
“Ari…” Marg eyes me, waiting for my compliance.
“I promise. I won’t touch him until you give me the word,” I say, the annoyance hard to keep out of my voice.
“It could be problematic if he comes crawling to the palace tomorrow, demanding an audience to say I sent someone to harass him. Or worse— he shows up dead, and it somehow links back to you, and therefore, me.”
I stare back at her. “If he shows up dead you’ll at least know he deserved it,” I quip back.
“No, Ari. He isn’t some random guard that comes up missing and nobody cares. Or some low-life bully you just don’t like so you make him disappear. His business employs half the city. He has people who will know he’s gone and will make us pay for it. Unless we have proof of illicit behavior. This one has to be taken through the proper channels. It will end badly for Felshan if you don’t do this one right.” She stares me down until I take a step back with both arms raised in subjugation.
“You win,” I say, disappointment eating away at my earlier excitement. “I’ll stick to the orders, and I won’t harm Reynauld until you tell me to.”
“IfI tell you to.”
“If… If you tell me to.” I wink at her, her hard eyes not softening to the sarcastic gesture.
“Let’s go, before anyone else sees you,” she says.
“Oh Marg, haven’t you paid the kitchen off already?”
“No need to take chances that aren’t necessary.” Her eyes dart toward the door before she reaches her hand toward me, gripping a small cloth sack. I take it and weigh it in my hands, instantly knowing what it contains. Yes, I want the country to thrive once again. But I’m no saint. I still need to eat.
She gave me one moreI’m seriouslook before walking out the door.
I follow suit, not bothering to pick up the too-tight dress of my previous disguise.
I turn left out of the pantry, swiping a berry tart from the counter on my way down the back stairs and out the side door. It is warm against my lips as I take a bite, savoring the sweet sensation of ripe spring berries popping against my teeth.
If only all of life could be so sweet.
The Captain
“Ah,SirReynauld,”Isay, walking up to him with my hand outstretched. A wagon passes behind him, a few crates stamped withTurin Coastal Companystacked in the bed.
His estate isn’t the most grand I’ve ever witnessed, but I know this is only one of several residences in his name. The home rests on a few acres of land, with a good size stable, a small warehouse for his many businesses, and a bunkhouse for traveling employees.
“Captain,” he returns, eyes beginning to narrow as he reaches out to shake my hand. “So good of you to join us today. May I ask what the occasion is?”
I’ve been here mere moments and already I feel like I’ve just stepped onto an ant hill, but I’m not allowed to brush the tiny insects off of me. I can only stand here while they slowly crawl up my leg.
“I was able to meet your cousin, Lady Davenport.” Reynauld nods his head as I speak. “She requested I aid you in a search for a thief.”
“Oh yes, yes, yes. My little thief problem.” He turns his head, gesturing a hand as if calling someone forward. “Jaren, that will be all for today.”