Page 46 of A Song of Thieves
The lie comes so easily out of his mouth. He lays a blanket down, prompting me to lie and rest. He washes each scrape from my arms and ankles, moving to the larger gash on my cheek last. My gaze rests on the clouds moving slowly overhead, watching each puffy formation effortlessly cross through the sky.
“Eat this.” The male voice doesn’t register in my mind until I feel something pushed into my hands, alerting me again to his presence. My eyes meet his, a sweaty brow and frown greeting me. His stern gaze bores into me, the unsaid and said between us creating a connection I never wanted, but don’t have the strength to push away.
I don’t know what comes next, so I focus on what is right in front of me. I eat the piece of bread Parker gave me, sitting up to catch the breeze on my face as I chew. A tiny drizzle of honey sends a pang of sweetness across my tongue with each bite.
“Bread with honey is my favorite,” I say, voicing my thought to no one in particular.
“I know,” Parker replies, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips as he watches me eat. “I bought a small bottle from one of the men in Fort Lowsan.”
I say nothing in response.
A war begins in my mind. I don’t want to be queen, but I was born to this privilege. I am unsure if I will be a good ruler, but now that the chance has been taken from me, part of me wonder what it would be like. My tears are all dried up, and in their place a spark of resolve and determination lights up the darkness.
I will get out of this, and I will make my own choices. Nobody gets to decide my fate. And if I become queen and marry Roan, it will be because I choose it.
I just have to work past Onah, and past the one whose eyes have yet to waver from me—Parker Aldren.
Captain Montgomery
Otto and Aiden will move to the west, checking the Western Seaport for any signs of Lena, while Ari and I will head up north to Thenstra. Our small group leaves theHog’s Place, the Prythan Mountains highlighting the northern horizon, Thenstra lying nestled between them.
Seeing their daunting peaks spread across the distance solidifies my decision. Otto is the strongest man I know, but the elevation and speed with which I plan to travel would not go over as well as he declines to admit. And Aiden— he’s the best of the best, but I’m not sure how he would fair in a fight with Aldren. He can hold his own to be sure, but fighting someone you used to have drinks with at the end of the night— it does something to a person. I don’t want him to go through that if I can help it.
Ari has definitely proven she can take care of herself. And as far as I can tell, would have no problem taking Aldren down if it came to it.
My mind is moving in circles as I continue out of the exit of the tavern.Save Lena, no matter the cost. I’m last in line as we move onto the street, heading to our horses as we make final preparations to split our rescue party.
“Roan Montgomery,” an icy female voice says somewhere behind me.
My feet stop, freezing in place. Each part of me registers the sound of my name from a tone that I haven’t heard in almost eight years.No. No. No.My eyes close as I take a deep breath, willing it to be anybody else. We were so close— just minutes away from passing through the final gate of the city. I attempt to soften my hard expression of disbelief and dread, turning to face the woman I would know anywhere.
“Tess Santana,” I reply, forcing a grin.
Tess stands with her arms folded, amusement on her face like someone just fell drunk off their horse, or told an off-kilter joke. I get the impression that joke is on me.
Her dark hair is pulled high atop her head, twisted tightly into a bun, showing off her high cheekbones. Golden eyes are a gleaming contrast to her thick eyelashes, perfectly lining their almond shape. I would recognize her full lips anywhere, one of the many temptations she threw my way whenever she visited the palace growing up. Her fierce features pull together into something devastatingly beautiful.
She was always exquisite, but it seems the last few years have added even more to admire. And for many men, to lust after. Tess knows the effect she has on men and uses it to her advantage whenever the need arises. I wouldn’t be surprised if half the dozen guards flanking her have been lured in by false assumptions of interest and baited charm.
Tess walks toward us, her smile only faltering when she spots Ari to my right, noting how near we are standing. Had the thief been following so closely beside me, or did she move to my side once she heard my name from Tess’s lips? It would take only the smallest movement for our hands to entwine, and our warm proximity isn’t lost on the woman approaching.
“A little bird told me you were in the city, but I didn’t believe it. What would Turin’s premier captain, renowned leader of the Royal Guard, and firstborn of the Port Riga Montgomerys be doing so far from home?” Tess continues her approach, stopping so close to me I can see the shining specks of yellow, gold, and brown dotting through the color of her eyes.
Ari takes a step back, but not out of fear or deference, or even because she’s trying to be polite. I’ve been around her long enough to know none of those are true. The way she places her feet and positions her body mimics that of a lioness right before she attacks a potential threat to her cub. Does she think I need protecting from Tess Santana?
It’s almost laughable. If she only knew the girl, I suppose now a woman, standing before us. Tess always hooked another into doing her dirty work, like a siren calling to the lost sailor. If she’s walking into a pit of vipers, a fiery end will certainly be planned and eagerly waiting to strike from the bushes.
Out of my periphery, I see Ari’s hand nearing the handle of her dagger. It’s hard not to conclude that she cares for our mission, for saving Lena, at least in a tiny measurement— enough to fight off a woman with almost a dozen trained soldiers behind her. Or maybe it’s the more likely scenario. My life stands between her and what she really wants— freedom. Freedom from what, I’m not wholly sure. She doesn’t seem to hate Lady Margaret. But upon learning that she’d be released from her employ, Ari agreed to come without complaint.
Tess’s full, pouting lips are only inches from my own. Otto looks almost bored at our interaction. However, bored is too docile a description for Aiden, who has fixed his eyes on the woman approaching me, an eagerness on his face that betrays his interest. It’s a stark contrast to the hard scowl strewn across Ari’s face.
I’ve never seen Tess in action, other than flirting her way to anything she ever wanted. How quickly would Ari be able to incapacitate her if she deemed it necessary? Maybe Tess has taken it upon herself to finally learn skills in close combat and would be able to hold her own in a tussle with our thief. Tess does seem daunting in her tight pants and top, their contrasting cream and black matching the woman’s many, variating guises. But Ari is clearly as unimpressed as me with her sharp appearance.
If I wasn’t so put-out at the disposition Tess’s presence has brought us, I might even laugh at the reaction these two women illicit in each other. Both so different, yet so similar.