Page 98 of The King's Weapon
Someone bumped into her and Graeson's chest pressed against her back. His lips grazed her neck. "For one night, Kallie, stop worrying." Then he added, "But all you have to do is say no and I’ll go. No questions asked."
She took a deep breath. He was giving her a choice.
No one had ever given her the choice.
And he was right. She didn't need to think about the consequences. Not right now.
She nodded because she didn’t want him to leave. She closed her eyes as the music took over. Her hips swayed to the beat again, and she leaned into Graeson, resting her head back against his chest. And the two of them began to find their rhythm. His head hung down near hers, his breath fell against her neck. Her hand skated up his chest to the back of his neck.
When the song changed, they followed it, their bodies melting together. Kallie barely heard the people shuffling around them, laughing and drinking, as she became lost in Graeson's arms.
Then after some time, someone cleared their throat nearby and Kallie sighed when Graeson added some distance between them.
Myra's voice followed, "Where'd Dani go?"
Kallie opened her eyes, her brows knitting together at the question.
“She ran off with Fynn somewhere," Graeson responded, barely lifting his head. And his words quenched some of the concern Kallie had begun to feel.
She hadn't heard them leave. She hadn't even seen Fynn approach, too distracted by the music. And the man behind her.
Normally, She was more observant. And she should still be observant, but Graeson's words resurfaced in her mind:stop worrying.Kallie's gaze flicked to the three glasses in Myra's hand. She grabbed one to free her friend from balancing two in one hand, even though she probably didn't need one based on how distracted she had become. But there was no harm in letting go, at least for an hour or so.
"Here." Myra handed Graeson the third glass. "Since Dani's not here, you can have hers."
Graeson took the glass, sniffed it, then took a sip. "Do you even know what's in this?"
Myra and Kallie shrugged. "Dani ordered them for us, said it was the house special," Kallie said.
"Of course she did," Graeson mumbled. "And how many have you had?"
"This would be the second," Myra said, sipping and spinning in a circle, one hand in the air while her hips swayed to the beat.
"And the last," he said.
"Says who?" Kallie stepped away from Graeson. While she may not require a second drink, she did not need this man, or any man, telling her what she could or could not have.
"Do I need to remind you of what happened last time you drank?" Graeson asked, his mouth tilted to the side, as if in a dare.
Kallie rolled her eyes.
"And these," he raised his glass, "are muchstronger. But fine. Don't stop on my account."
Maintaining eye contact with him, Kallie took a long swig of the drink. She wasn't buzzed yet, but she made a mental note to ask for a glass of water after this drink. Then drink still to her lips, she shrugged her shoulders at Graeson dismissively. She danced over to Myra grabbing her hand and pulling Myra toward her with a smile on her face.
From the corner of her eye, Kallie saw Graeson shake his head, his eyes roaming over her as she danced with Myra.
But not even a moment later did he take a deep breath, empty his glass, and discard it on a nearby high-top table before joining them with a look of determination on his face. Graeson offered his hand to both of them and Myra was the first to place hers in his. And afraid of ruining Myra's joy, Kallie placed her palm in his as well.
Taking both of their hands, Graeson began twirling them in circles. And Myra's laughter was infectious as Graeson spun her. Kallie tilted her head up releasing the worry she had been carrying with her. She smiled, a true, genuine smile as the room spun around her, Graeson's hand in hers and her best friend beside her.
After a few songs, Terin appeared, whispering into Myra's ear, and Myra's face lit up. Kallie narrowed her eyes as she watched them scurry away.
Alone with Graeson, Kallie made to leave the crowd of dancers, but when she looked at Graeson, his gaze dared her to stay. Dared her to see how far she would let this happiness, this carefree moment take her.
She set aside the thoughts of her parents, of her childhood, of the man she was promised to but didn't know. Instead, she laid her eyes on the man who was here now, at this moment.