Page 13 of Made for Us
“Daddy, can we go to the beach today?” she asks, and all I can do is lean down and kiss her head.
“We better,” I reply, smiling at her and then looking over at Abigail standing up and trying to get her bag out of the overhead bin. I don’t even think about it before I’m leaning forward over her, her back to my front, as I reach over her to grab her bag. “I got it.” I look down at her as she looks up, and I suddenly realize how close I am to her.
“Um,” she stutters, “thanks.” She turns and quickly walks away from me. I swallow down the embarrassment of my cock being so hard. The minute I leaned over her and felt her ass on my cock, it was just like the switch was turned on, and my cock was ready for whatever was coming its way.
I place her bag in front of me, hiding my cock in case someone looks at me. God, this is going to be a long fucking week. My eyes are stuck to her ass as she walks in front of me, which makes my cock even harder if that was possible.
We slowly start to leave the plane. It’s so bright I have to close one eye when I step out onto the stainless steel. Abigail holds on to the railing with one hand and never lets go of Penelope’s hand.
As soon as I step foot on the tarmac, I look over and see three huge buses waiting for us. “Holy…” I say, putting my hand in front of my eyes to block the sun. “This is quite the production.”
I look over and see Dylan is next to me. “It might look like it’s madness, but it’s actually a well-oiled machine.”
My eyebrows pinch together, confused. “Trust me,” he reassures, putting his arm around my shoulders and trying not to laugh. “You are going to hear some yelling, and someone is going to swear at least five times.” I look over and see Matthew throwing up his hands in the air.
I also see most of the women are on one side, ushering the kids onto a bus and out of the sun. My eyes find Penelope, who is now holding hands with Emma and Parker. “Don’t worry, the kids get on one bus where there is food and snacks,” Dylan informs me.
The porters are in the back of the plane, grabbing the luggage as they load them onto a trolley and then drive it over to the buses. I make my way over to the bus I saw Penelope walk into. The door opens when I get close enough, and the air-conditioning hits me right away. I walk up the steps of the same bus we use when we are at away games. I scan the seats looking for Penelope and see her sitting with Parker.
Erika and Alex are sitting behind him, and of course, my eyes roam the rest of the bus looking for the other woman I always seek out, who sits in the row across from Penelope with Gabriella.
I sit in front of the bus, watching the madness outside. I grab the bottle of water from one of the trays beside me with the snacks, putting Abigail’s bag on my lap, being careful not to lose it.
Forty minutes later, we are pulling up to the hotel or, as I’m told, a private resort. When the bus stops, I get up, walk out of the bus, and make sure the kids don’t run off. A woman and a man are holding a clipboard each.
“Name?” the woman asks.
“Tristan and Penelope Weise,” I reply. She smiles at me and hands me an envelope with two key cards inside, suite number eight written on the front. “Thank you,” I say, nodding at her and then calling, “Penelope.” She turns over toward me. “Come on.” I motion with my head and she skips over to me.
“Your luggage will be delivered to your room within the next thirty minutes,” the woman says to me. “If you walk through the lobby and toward the back, you will find signs on how to get to your room.” I look around at everyone grabbing their own card.
“Let’s go get changed, and we can meet everyone at the beach,” I tell Penelope as we walk into the lobby and then see the big buffet area where the meals are served. Three signs are telling you which way rooms are. Walking past the massive pool, over a little bridge, I make my way over to number eight. Each numbered hut looks like its own personal house.
I stop at the big brown door with the number eight on it. “Are you ready?” I ask her, taking a key card out and sliding it over the sensor near the door handle. The click allows me to turn the handle and push open the door.
I hold the door on top while holding Abigail’s bag in my hand. Penelope walks in and shrieks, “Daddy, there is a pool in front of our back door!” She walks into the room, and I step in with her. A living room area faces a wall of windows. “Can we go into the pool?” She jumps up and down as I place my bag on the couch and Abigail’s next to mine.
I open the back door and see the pool she was talking about is really the ocean. I slide open the door and walk out onto the patio, seeing that every single room has its own patio leading to stairs that take you straight into the ocean. “That isn’t a pool. It’s the ocean,” I inform her.
I take a second to look around and hear a commotion coming from the patio beside us. “It’s open.” I hear, and then I see her walking out, the wind picking up as her hair flies around her head.
“Shit,” I mutter under my breath, of course she would be in the room next to us. She must feel me staring at her because she looks over at me, and her eyes go big. “Hi.” I hold up my hand, now counting the days until we can leave.
I walk out of the glass patio door, and the heat hits me right away. I can’t help but smile when I see the patio has two lounge chairs facing the crystal-blue water. The sound of the water hits the side stairs that lead directly into the shallow ocean.
The warm wind suddenly blows my hair into my face as I turn my face toward it to push back my hair. I can feel eyes on me, and when I look over, I see the one man I’ve been trying to get away from. My whole body has been on alert from the time I sat down on the plane
My eyes go big, and I see him mutter something right before he puts up his hand. “Hi,” he greets.
I automatically lift my arm up to wave back to him. “Hi.” My heart speeds up, and it suddenly feels like it’s going to come up to my mouth. This is getting way out of hand, I think to myself.
He snaps his fingers. “I have your bag,” he says, turning and walking back inside. I put my hand on the railing, my head falling forward as I try to calm myself down.
“What in the hell?” I say. I’m about to turn around to call for Gabriella when I hear creaking coming from beside me. I look over and see him walking over to me, holding my bag in his hand. On the plane, the minute I reached out to grab it, I felt him behind me, and I swear to God, my body felt like it was going to go off. I thought for sure he would see the way my nipples perked up for him. Just looking down at myself, I felt my face turn a beet red. I literally felt like I was on fire. I couldn’t even look over at him. I hightailed it off that plane and then into the first bus with all the kids, thinking I had somehow escaped him. But the door opened, and he walked onto the bus, and I literally yelled out, “What the fuck?” So I stayed back and let all the kids walk off the bus, then quietly slipped out of the bus and walked over to the guy holding a clipboard. The whole family was trying to gather up their kids and figure out what to do, and I had already secured my key and was making my way to my room with Gabriella.