Page 31 of Made for Us
The door opens, and my doctor comes in smiling. “Hello, you.”
“Hi, Dr. Emmy.” I greet her as she comes over and kisses me on both cheeks. We’ve worked together a couple of times.
“You look fabulous,” she compliments me, going over and sitting down on the small chair. “How are we feeling?”
“Um,” I start to say, “so far, so good. I feel less tired, which is great. I only need to take one nap during my night shift.” I hold up my hands in celebration. “Nausea isn’t too bad as long as I snack. During meals, that’s another thing, so I always have a snack around me.” I smile. “The staff has even started to add to my basket that I keep under the nurses’ desk.” She laughs, clapping her hands. “I’m also super emotional.” I blink away the tears. “Especially this past month.” I don’t tell her that it’s probably because I know he’s back in town. I see him every time I turn on the television. Okay, fine, I only turn the television on when the pre-games are on, but still.
“It’s normal,” she tells me. “Lie back.”
I turn and lie back on the table, pulling up the top of my scrubs. “This is my favorite time,” I tell her, and she just smiles at me. I’ve had one ultrasound before this one, and that was at ten weeks when I first saw her. Usually, they wait until you are twelve weeks to see you, but I saw her when she came to follow up with a patient and heard the news I was expecting. She dragged me down to her office, which was two floors down, and showed me my little nugget.
“This time, we don’t have to do it internally,” she explains, walking over and shutting off the lights and then coming back to me. “Lower the top of your pants.” I untie the string of my scrubs and lower it under the little baby bump that has just started to show. She squeezes the gel on my belly, and then the magic happens. I look over at the screen, and I see my baby, who actually looks like a baby now. Before, it looked like a blob with four limbs. The baby looks like it’s doing summersaults, yet I don’t feel anything. She clicks a couple of things. “We have an active one,” she tells me, and all I can do is smile as the tear escapes the corner of my eye, my hand coming up to wipe it away. “Big baby,” she states, and I just look at her, my eyes going wide, “I think I can see what sex it is. Do you still not want to know?”
“No.” I shake my head, “I don’t really care as long as there is only one and the one is healthy.” She laughs as she wipes my stomach off before turning on the lights.
“There is only one, and they are perfect,” she confirms, and I get up smiling as she hands me four pictures from the machine. “Baby book material.”
“Thank you,” I say, looking down at my baby and getting up. “I’ll make an appointment later for next month.”
“Just text me, and I’ll get you in,” she tells me, and I nod at her. “See you later,” she says before she walks out, leaving me alone.
I take out my phone and take a picture of the baby, sending it to the family group chat.
Baby nugget is growing.
I press send, and my phone clicks right away.
They have your big old head.
Did you rip Mom’s vagina with your head?
Can you never put me and Mom’s vagina in the same sentence again in my life?
Why do you take things so sexual?
I’m in love already, but why do you guys keep adding me to this chat?
I can’t help but laugh, and I’m about to answer her when my phone rings, and I see it’s Dylan. I answer right away. “Hey, big brother.” I walk out of the office and head toward the stairs.
“How is my nephew?” he asks, and I laugh and roll my eyes at the same time.
“It could be a girl,” I remind him, just like I do every time he says it’s a boy. I really hope it’s a girl just so I can say I told you so, but I think it’s a boy also.
“Nah,” he says, “you’re pretty.”
“What the hell does that mean?” I retort as I walk up the stairs to my floor.
“Apparently, if you are having a girl, you turn less pretty,” he explains, and I put my head back and hold my nose, shaking my head. “Because she is taking the beauty from you.”