Page 52 of Made for Us
“We used protection,” Abigail declares, “but obviously, it isn’t always one hundred percent.” She looks at Michael. “You should know something about that.”
“Wow, what did I do?” he asks. “Why are you picking on me?”
“I just wonder how all you smart men didn’t put two and two together when she said how far along she was.” Chase sits looking at everyone with a cocky look on his face. “Didn’t you do the math?”
“Who the hell opened their calendar and went back?” Michael shoots out at him.
“I think everyone needs to shut the fuck up,” Justin says, his voice tight. I look over at him as he sits back on the couch, and I wonder if he wants to jump up and punch me in the face. I don’t even know how I would feel if the roles were reversed. “You left her alone, pregnant, by herself.” The words gut me to my soul.
“That is on me,” Abigail says loudly. “I never told him. I found out, and well, I didn’t know how to tell him so…”
“You kept it from him,” Dylan states. “What is wrong with you?”
I hold up my hand, not willing to let him talk to her like that. “I’m going to say something.” I look at all of them, and they just stare at me. Xavier nods his head at me for support,
“There is no one else in this world I want to have a child with.” I squeeze her hand tighter in mine as the tears sting my eyes. “I never thought it would happen again like this.” I smile at her. “But there is no one else I would want to be the mother of my child more than Abigail.” Her own tear escapes, and I move my free hand up to her eye to wipe away the tear. “There is no one else who will be a better mother.” She smiles, and I can’t keep up with her tears. I look over at Caroline, who has her own tears running down her face. Justin comes over and sits beside her, putting his arm around her shoulders, and she turns to quietly cry on his shoulder.
“I know mistakes happen, but my, our son, will never think he was a mistake.” My own tear escapes, and it’s Abigail’s turn to raise her hand to wipe mine away. I bring up our joint hands and kiss her fingers, her face filling with a smile. I know, no matter what comes next, it’ll be okay.
I listen to his words, and every single time I see how devoted he is, I regret not telling him before. I know now isn’t the time to let him know why I kept it from him, but I also know that he’ll know the truth by tomorrow. The whole truth.
His lips touch my fingers, and I hold up my free hand to his cheek. “Thank you,” I say as my thumb rubs the scruff on his face. I don’t even know I’m leaning in to kiss him until my lips touch his.
“Did you just say your son?” Matthew is the first to say something. “Are you having a boy?”
“I am,” I say, laughing through my tears. “We are.”
All the men look over and high-five each other like they are welcoming one to the club. My mother puts her arms around me and pulls me to her. “A boy.”
“A boy,” I repeat, feeling Tristan hold my hand tighter, his thumb rubbing over my fingers.
“So what happens now?” Dylan asks, looking straight at Tristan. I’m not going to lie. When I saw all the men rush in, I almost threw up on Tristan’s shoes yet again. But it turned out so much better than I thought it would be, but it’s still too early to celebrate.
“For one, we need to tell Penelope,” I speak up for him.
“Then, after that, we need to discuss a couple of things privately,” Tristan says, looking at me, and I get nervous thinking about how this talk is going to go.
Everyone laughs, including me.
“It’s like he hasn’t been around the family,” Matthew declares. “I’m going to come right out and ask the question everyone is scared to ask.”
“Of course you will,” Max says, “because, heaven forbid, you don’t know what everyone else is thinking.”
“One.” Matthew puts up his finger. “When are you guys getting married?”
I just shake my head. “Not everyone needs to be married, Uncle Matthew.” I don’t even bother looking over at Tristan. “People co-parent all the time.”
“Can we not put them on the spot right now?” my mother advises. “They are having a baby together. Let them figure it out.”
“But what is he going to do?” Dylan now speaks up. “How will you take care of her?”
Tristan doesn’t miss a beat. “She’s my responsibility, and so is the baby.”
“Why are we giving him the third degree?” Chase speaks up. “He found out about Penelope and jumped right in. Do you think he’s not going to do that for his son?” He gets up and shakes his head. “I was promised dinner.”