Page 13 of Gorgeous Prince
“What the hell?” I ask when he snatches my other hand and does the same.
I hear metal rattling … clinking together.
When he pulls back, I realize what he did.
The motherfucker handcuffed me.
That fast.
As if he had a PhD in it.
“What the fuck is—”
I’m so wrapped up in my anger that I don’t realize that was only step one. Just as I’m yelling, he slaps something over my mouth.
In nearly ten seconds, he’s handcuffed me and taped my mouth.
I guess the rumors are true.
Benny is always three steps ahead of people.
“Get this off me,” I struggle to say through the tape, unsure if he can even make out my words, while fighting against the handcuffs. With how he’d handcuffed my hands, I can’t manage to remove the tape.
“Much better.” He turns up the music until it’s blaring, drowning out my screaming.
I glare at him and shake my handcuffed hands.
But he pays no attention to me.
Getting him back for this is all I think about on the drive home.
Every few seconds, I make a failed attempt at breaking loose.
He doesn’t tear off the tape until he pulls in front of my house.
There’s a sudden sting when he rips it off.
I move my jaw, and my lips stick together from the adhesive. When I finally gain control of them, I snarl, “My father will murder you when he finds out what you just pulled.” I jerk my arms in his direction.
Benny opens a hidden compartment beside the steering wheel and removes a tiny key. “You’re not telling him anything.”
I shiver when his hand circles my wrist. His palm is soft, and his knuckles are busted.
The many sides of Benny Marchetti.
I wonder what side I’ll get when he becomes my husband.
He’s quiet when he frees my hand.
When he releases the other, I moan and shake out both hands, air-drying-style.
Benny unlocks my door. “Now, get out of my car.”
“Gladly,” I hiss before sliding out of the seat. “And have fun shutting the door behind me.”
Instead of slamming the door shut, I leave it open and walk up the driveway to my home. When I’m inside and look out the window, the SUV remains parked with the passenger door open.