Page 84 of Gorgeous Prince
Whowantshis wife.
I clear my throat, but my voice is still raspy. “I don’t have the perfect answer to that, Neomi. All I can say is, if someone hurt you, there wouldn’t be a large enough army to stop me from massacring them.” I slide in closer, our bodies brushing together, and run my lips along her cheek. “If that’s what being afraid to lose someone is, then, yes, Neomi, I’m fucking afraid to lose you.”
A faint whimper leaves her before my lips smash into hers.
I cup her face as we devour each other’s mouths.
It doesn’t start slow.
Or timid.
It’s desperate.
It’s our first private kiss—not forced or done in front of an audience. I suck in her every breath as if it gives me life and back her into the desk as we make out. Our tongues slide together, and I roll my hips forward.
The room grows warm.
My breaths turn into desperate pants.
“Benny,” Neomi moans when I move my mouth from her lips to rain kisses along the soft skin of her neck. “I want you.I need you.”
I pull back, understanding her words aren’t simple.
My wife needs me.
And what kind of husband would I be if I denied my wife the very thing she needed?
“I want you. I need you.”
Six words I swore I’d never speak to Benny.
It’s becoming clear—no matter how many promises I make to myself, when it comes to Benny Marchetti, he’ll make me break every single one.
He doesn’t have to use force with me—unlike others who fall to his mercy. All he has to do is offer me a glimpse into his soul and mutter words that make me fall apart, and I’m a goner.
“Fuck, Neomi,” Benny hisses through clenched teeth as his chest presses into mine. His hand delves into my hair, and he pulls the strands tight. “You have no idea how much I want to be inside you.”
My heart races at his words.
He swiftly drops his hand to my waist and hauls me onto the desk. My body aches for him when he parts my legs and steps between them.
Desk action 2.0.
The original was good. Five stars.
But fingers crossed, the sequel is better.
I want more than his tongue tonight.
I want all that is Benny Marchetti.
My husband.