Page 5 of A Villain's Lies
“Fucking hell, woman.” He removes his hand, and I pull the door open.
“When I get the bag, I’ll try my best to be on time, but there are no promises.” Skipping out, I leave him swearing in his office.
The door slams behind me, and I can’t help fighting a smirk as I go back to the front desk.
Destiny is up and awake when I get home. It’s early. I worked all night, staying back to finish up some paperwork for one of the girls.
I didn’t realize how disorganized his place was. I can see why he went to his brother for help finding staff. Jake has the sex game down pat, but Grayson, not so much. Don’t get me wrong, his place is amazing. Edgy even. But not in the way his brother runs things. Not only do I have to look after all his girls, I have also been looking after the financial side of things. Yay, me. Not.
He fired his accountant.
Destiny turns on the blender as she looks over her shoulder at me. I put my things down on the couch and go to the fridge.
“I had to use your apple juice, but I’ll get more today.”
She won’t. This is what she does.
Want to know why?
Because she’s a bitch, that’s why.
I hadn’t planned to live here long. It was the first apartment I came by, so I snatched it up. Now I wish I’d looked harder. But I do love my bedroom, even if my housemate is a cunt.
“Your boss came by yesterday.” I close the fridge and turn to face her. “Is he single?” Destiny licks her lips as she stares at me. When I don’t answer, she raises a brow. “Did you hear me? Is he single?”
“I heard you. I have to go to bed.” I walk away and hear her mutter some shit under her breath.
Now, it’s not like me to hit a bitch, but I do really want to hit this bitch.
I walk into my room and collapse on my bed, sighing in relief. I immediately regret my choice because I still have to shower and brush my teeth.
Turning over onto my back, I stare up at the ceiling.
Is my boss single? Yes, he is. Or at least I hope he is. Especially since he isn’t shy to invade my personal space.
I’ve never been in a relationship. That would probably have to do with some of my upbringing. I was born to a prostitute, who proceeded to sell me like I was a make-money-quick scheme. I guess I was as it worked out pretty well for her. My life has been something out of a horror story. At one point, I was locked in a room for close to a year. My only contact was a nanny who never looked me in the eye.
I didn’t understand there were such things as normal families—I had never seen or heard of one. When I got older, I ran away several times. My behavior was not tolerated, and I was beaten for it.
But I didn’t care and would do it again and again.
They would always find me.
At the age of fifteen, I knew how to please a man. What to do with my body to get what I wanted.
The last time I ran away, I didn’t get caught.
That was until I hit the border of a different country and somehow ended up with a man who took me to parties where he would proceed to sell me.
The man was neither mean or nice, he was merely a man wanting to make money.
That is when my luck changed, and I met Jake.
I was too young for him the first time I met him, but he bought me anyway, paying dearly for me to get out of the business and have a few years of a normal childhood. He put me in a house with a housekeeper, and I even had access to the internet, where I could learn things. He was the first person in my entire life to treat me as I was—a child.
I was…happy. At least, I think I was.
* * *
When I turned twenty-one, I was officially Jake’s.
Old enough to work.
I was happy to work for him, even knowing he owned a sex club because I owed him more than he would ever know.
It helped.
Don’t get me wrong. Those evil thoughts still love to try to creep into my head, take hold, and don’t let go. The ones where I have never been good enough, and how I am nothing more than an object to people. It’s hard to see yourself as something more when you are so used to people putting you down and using you.
But I work myself out of them.
My life before Jake was a life I didn’t want, I was taken, and what happened to me was not my choice.