Page 17 of Inking the Soldier
She looks at me over her shoulder, her ass sticking out, her thighs shiny with my precome and her own release.
“I shouldn’t have let it get this far,” she says. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I don’t want to lead you on.” Her eyes stray to my cock, then snap open somehow wider, as if she’s shocked at my size.
My beast is still active, making me want to charge at her, fuck her savagely in her tight, sopping hole, pound her so she moans with half shock, half pleasure… then more and more pleasure until she’s squirting down my length, until she can’t believe she ever wanted to say no.
But I’d never force my woman.
I have to calm my beast down.
“You’re right.” Turning away, I pull my pants and underwear up. “It’s too fast. I’m… I’m sorry.”
He stares at me, mouth tight, and his eyes aimed sternly at me. He said he’s sorry. Maybe that should be enough. Maybe I can smooth this over, but there’s this dark feeling in me, screaming that I should’ve gone all the way with him. I should’ve given myself to him like another woman might have, would have been able to without freaking out, without thinking about all the reasons it couldn’t work.
Without thinking about what and who I am.
If I wasn’t going to go all the way, I never should’ve let it get this far. I should’ve told him no the second he picked me up, meaning to carry me up the stairs.
“We can’t just… you know, straight away,” I say, breathless from the kissing, the closeness.
My sex aches from his mouth. His lips are glistening, reminding me of what we just did.
“I’m not some instant freaking nymphomaniac,” I snap, my voice rising despite myself.
Perhaps there’s a way for me to explain I’m not really angry at him. I’m pissed at myself, at my weakness for either not stopping sooner or stopping it at all.
Right now, I could be on my back, my fingers digging into those solid shoulder, affection burning between us as our bodies beat to the lust, both of us sinking deeper and deeper into the need.
“I get it,” he says, his voice short. “I didn’t mean to push you.”
“Didn’t mean to…”
Stop, I tell myself. It’s not his fault. Don’t blame him for your freakout.
“Didn’t mean to?” I snap. “I didn’t even know you were interested in me in that way. I didn’t know you wanted anything, and then suddenly we’re kissing and… What do you expect from me? To satisfy your every freaking need just like that?”
I snap my fingers. It’s like a trigger, sending him across to me. He grabs my shoulders and leans down, his face close to mine, his touch sending shivering signals through my body. The non-nervous part of me screams to give myself to him, to ignore all the doubt swarming through me.
“You don’t have to put on a show or do anything special to satisfy me, Luna. Just being yourself is enough.”
I almost melt into his touch, but when he leans down—meaning to kiss me, I’m pretty sure—I can’t stop myself from thinking about where this will lead. To the way my body will seize when I contemplate going all the way, the voices that will whisper doubt viciously into my ear.
“You don’t know me.” I take a step back. “You’re talking like…”
Like I’m not so inexperienced, it’s laughable.
“Like this isn’t all happening insanely quickly,” I cover the real reason, aiming the anger outward, so I don’t have to think about the insecurity inside me. “We’re strangers, Kayden. Do you do this all the time? What am I, a quick fling?”
His jaw clenches tight as he speaks, his tone getting low. “That’s not what you are.”
“What is this, then?”
“I’m…” He trails off, his fists clenching, then sighs as he looks over my head, as though he doesn’t want to meet my gaze. Or he can’t. “Interested in you.”
I laugh. Even to myself, it sounds mean and dismissive, an imitation of the way the popular girls would snicker in high school.
“So, this is how you act when you’re interested in somebody?”
“I pushed too far and too fast,” he snaps. “But don’t act like it was one-sided. We both felt something. We both wanted it.”
“I don’t know you.”
It’s like I’m saying anything to push away the truth, screaming through me like a warning signal, pulsing over and over.
“All I know is you’ve su—”
I cut myself off from saying the word suffered.
“I’ve what?” Kayden demands, stepping closer, bringing his musky scent with him.
The atmosphere is much colder than it was before… icy.
“It’s nothing,” I murmur.
He looms over me, his chest heaving, reminding me of how he stood at the fence as he stared down Jodi and those men.
Now those impulses are aimed at me.
“If you’ve got something to say, say it.”