Page 5 of Inking the Soldier
I can’t stand to hear the pain in her voice.
“What if I ride with you? We can do the consultation during the ride over. It’s just a few questions about where I want the tattoo, what sort of design, stuff like that.”
She tilts her head. There’s something so captivating, as if she’s getting ready for a kiss.
I keep my savage hands at my sides as I stand again, knowing it would be far too easy to reach down and slide my hands over her black top, past the straps and to her breasts, massaging her curviness over the fabric of her clothes, feeling her body get more and more excited.
“Would you really do that?” she asks.
I would do anything for you, I almost say. I need to cool it. I’m firing too hot.
She smiles, standing. “I’ll go ask Marty. I can’t just leave Buckie there.”
“No, you can’t.”
She gives me another smile as she leaves, probably not knowing it’s the sweetest thing she’s ever given to anybody.
I watch the door open and shut and forcibly put my hands behind my back. I stand straight, attempting to get my breathing under control. Being close to her is like being on the edge of battle, waiting for the bullets to whistle around me, waiting to take my dog into battle for what might be the last time.
Luna returns, brushing her hair down. A few strands of her ponytail have come loose. I experience a strange pang when she brushes it down, as if my instincts are telling me I should be the one doing that.
“He said he’s cool with it if you are. He also said I don’t need to worry about riding with you since you’re the most trustworthy, honest, decent man he knows.”
“Well, that was kind of him,” I say.
At least he didn’t talk about my service history.
“We can take my car, if you like.”
She bites her lip, something she wouldn’t do if she knew how rock-solid I was, my balls swelling with each moment, then swelling more when she does the sexy gesture.
“Dad might be pissed if I ride with a stranger, but you’re ex-service, aren’t you?”
“How could you tell?”
“Just…” She waves a hand at me. “Am I wrong?”
The hand wave and the word just aren’t much of an explanation, but I shake my head. “I was in the Marines for fifteen years. A dog handler. That’s why I’m here—to get a tattoo of Sergeant, my last service animal, before I stopped my combat deployments.”
“My dad was in the Army. I don’t think he’d mind me riding with you, since you served too, and Marty’s vouched for you.”
“You’re right to be careful though,” I say, approaching. “There are bad people out there.”
She recoils at my words. I’m speaking far too fiercely, but suddenly I’m thinking about Luna under enemy fire, or some evil MF’er finding her, kidnapping her, and using her for twisted, evil purposes. I’m thinking about the hell I would aim at the world if anybody ever dared to touch her.
“I know there are,” she whispers.
I take a step back. I’m freaking her out without meaning to.
In a different reality, I could lean down and wrap my arms around her, squeeze her close and whisper, I’m sorry.
I didn’t mean to scare her.
Then our bodies would respond. She’d feel how hard I am, and she’d moan cutely, rubbing against me, as my hands slid over her hips and around to her ass.
I own every single part of you. I own your womb…
“But you’re not one of them, right, Kayden?”
I force a smirk to my face, reminding myself to keep this lighthearted. “No, ma’am, I’m not.”
“Ma’am?” She laughs as she reaches for the door. “Now you’re making me feel old.”
I resist the urge to touch the small of her back softly as we walk across the lobby and out to the parking lot. It’s not that it would be insanely inappropriate and weird, but that I know it would lead to other things, to a carnal awakening inside of me. I wouldn’t be able to stop at a single touch.
Outside, I scan the parking lot, check the angles, check the rooftops, check everything.
“Do you always do that?” Luna asks as we walk.
I glance sharply at her. She’s got a soft look of understanding on her face. I can imagine talking with her, really talking… in a different life. If I was the sort of man who did that.
“Do what?” I ask as I open the passenger-side door for her.
She nods a thank-you and then climbs inside.
“Check everywhere,” she says as I climb into the driver’s side. “Scan the surroundings. That sort of thing.”
I start the engine, finding it difficult to answer her.
“I thought I was being discreet.”
“You were, but my dad works with a lot of veterans. I guess I know the signs.”