Page 15 of Empire of Lust
At her core, Tatum has a warm, generous heart. She did not inherit that from me. Rather, it’s the cool exterior in which she wraps herself that comes from my blood. She can turn it on and off at will, as I can, but I never instructed her in the art of putting on a face for the rest of the world. It comes naturally.
I can’t fault her for wanting to take care of her friend, even if it puts me in a painfully awkward situation that I know is going to cause trouble. Bianca being alone with me while my daughter is halfway around the world. No boyfriend in sight. Nothing holding me—or her—back. It’s a terribly dangerous idea.
Because I can’t help myself and need to confirm, I ask, “You said they broke up? What were the circumstances?”
Her pout quickly turns to a smirk. “What, you’re suddenly interested in gossip? I didn’t think you’d care about something as stupid as that.”
“Be snide all you want, but I’d like to know if there will be an ex trying to break into the property to win her heart back.”
Her eyes darken, and her jaw tightens. “That cheating bastard better not try to talk to her.”
Just as Romero said. “Well, I’m sorry. I hope she is doing okay?”
“She’s taking it pretty well, but who knows? Once all the excitement of moving is over, she might break down. At least with me gone, I know she has somewhere safe to stay.” The screen of her phone lights up, and she checks it, a grimace filling her features. “Ugh. I wish I could stay and talk longer, but I needed to be gone, like five minutes ago.”
Father mode activated. I stand, enveloping her in a hug. “Call me the minute you land and then again when you arrive at the rental. This will be your first time without a bodyguard. If anything seems even slightly off—”
“I know, I know.” She rolls her eyes, wearing an affectionate grin, standing on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. “It’s not like I’ll be alone. Kristoff knows how to handle himself and can protect me if need be.”
“I’m not going to stop being a worried father anytime soon, so you may as well stop wasting your time trying to get me to change.” Kissing the crown of her head, I usher her out into the hall. I don’t let my arm fall from around her shoulders until we’re at the front door. “Have a good time, but be cautious, and if you have any problems, call me immediately. I’m only a flight away.”
“You know I will. Nobody messes with me.” She growls, her brow lowered, and all I can do is shake my head. If I thought she was kidding, I’d be able to laugh it off, but I know there’s more to it. She truly believes herself to be untouchable. The sort of headstrong confidence only the young possess.
I watch as she skips down the walkway. Kristoff is waiting for her behind the wheel of his Mustang, and I lift a hand in acknowledgment. He waves back, his gaze unwavering. He strikes me as a decent kid from a good, well-connected family. I had Romero do all the snooping he could on him and his family when they first started dating. If I had a doubt in my mind about him, there’s no way I’d agree to this trip. She might be a grown woman, but I still subsidize her lifestyle, and I’ll kill anyone who thinks to hurt her.
As soon as she’s tucked away in the car, I shut the door and head back to my office. I pause at the window, letting my gaze fall over the grounds. Pride swells in my chest as I regard my empire. The work I’ve put into nurturing my network of associates. Earning their trust while always looking over my shoulder, since I don’t trust them. Business is business. You can never know if someone is a friend or foe.
The evidence of my accomplishments shines back at me. I have eighty acres surrounded by thick, high walls manned by my most trusted guards. Numerous cars, a boat, a private jet. The ability to go anywhere and do anything, all while knowing damn well the cops can’t do a thing about it. I wrap everything I do in layers of obfuscation until my business appears perfectly legal.
Sometimes, I think they envy me a little. That I’ve earned the grudging respect of the detectives who’ve never pinned a charge and made it stick.
“Boss?” Romero’s footfalls ring out behind me. “It’s almost time for the call.”
I grunt my thanks and continue to my office. It’s almost possible to forget the unshakable yearning that has me in its grip. The anticipation of what’s coming up around the bend. Sweet and innocent Bianca under my roof. Under my control, without a single thing standing between us.
* * *
“Thank you for your time,and I expect to see the signed contract in my inbox by the close of business tomorrow.”
The seller grunts his agreement, as does his legal counsel, while Romero invites them to reach out with any questions they might come up with.
Formalities, all of it. I’m offering twice what the planes are worth, knowing they’ll result in a thirty percent increase in profits within the first handful of shipments. At times like this, I’m willing to be generous. He’d be a fool to turn down numbers like the ones I’ve presented.
Romero’s knowing grin tells me he agrees.
“Nice work,” I tell him, loosening my tie once the video call has ended.
“Want a drink?” he offers.
I shake my head. “I’m going to grab some coffee from the kitchen.” Eyeing him as I stand, I add, “I know you’re a workaholic, but you should take the rest of the night off. You’ve been putting in too many hours.”
He shakes his head, bewildered. “Since when is there such a thing as working too many hours?”
Since I’m now waiting for a special visitor and would rather not be interrupted.I’m still not sure what I’ll do once she shows up here. Do I confront her about how she watched me? Do I give into the temptation and ravage her, knowing it’s what she wanted that night she watched me? Tatum didn’t give me a specific time for her arrival, so every moment is more tense than the one before it. She could show up at any point, and I’d prefer it if Romero wasn’t here when that happened.
“If I need you, I know where to find you.” His house is a mere minute’s walk from my front door, a quaint little row house right here on the compound grounds.
Nearly as an afterthought, I pause near the kitchen before we part ways. “Oh, and Tatum offered to allow Bianca to stay here in her absence. Now we have our answer to where she is moving.”