Page 81 of Empire of Lust
“It’s only dinner. Please, I would be so happy if you would join us. Especially if we’re going to work together,” he adds, because, of course, he has to be heavy-handed about this. There is no such thing as subtlety where he’s involved.
His true meaning stares me straight in the face.Do this if you want our deal to go through.
And I want the deal. Very much. The man is an idiot, but he’s a useful one, and he’s uncovered a means of transporting weapons while saving a ton of money by investing in our own shipping line, rather than using barges from willing partners who want a cut of the profits.
“I have a better idea,” I propose. “Meet us tonight at eight o’clock at a restaurant I own in town. I’ll send you the details.”
“So, you’ve paid heed to the old adage,” he muses with a rueful chuckle. “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”
“I believe in diversification. Can we expect you?”
“Certainly. I look forward to meeting your lovely daughter.” I know better than to say anything, so I settle for nodding and lifting a hand, which I then use to close the window and end the call.
Just in time, too.
“You can’t be serious!” Romero practically shouts.
“Would you please calm down? And lower your voice while you’re at it. What has gotten into you? Do you have a personal problem with this guy?” Now I can loosen my tie and lean back in my chair, dropping the friendly act.
“How can you not?” he counters. “He couldn’t be more obvious if he tried. He might as well come straight out and say he’s willing to sell his son to make this deal.”
“What if he is?”
“And you’re willing to sell Tatum?”
It’s clear he realizes his mistake the moment the words leave his lips. I fight to keep myself calm. Of all my close associates, he’s the one I can least afford to alienate. This isn’t someone whose nose I can break and expect him to show up with a cheerful disposition in the morning. Unlike Nathan, who’s been all but kissing my ass in the week since Bianca was injured.
“I’ve said it before, and I will say it again—this one final time,” I add, lowering my brow and pinning him in place with my glare. “I am not arranging a marriage. I have no intention of selling my daughter.”
“So you’ll string him along for the sake of a deal?”
“I’ve done it before. I’m pretty good at it,” I add, snickering. “The man is a fucking loser who only got where he is now thanks to his father’s savvy. But he may have stumbled on something valuable here. He’s the one who has inroads with the shipping company. I need him to get my foot in the door. Once I do, I’ll make the deal.”
“And you’ll cut him out?”
“I sure will. Fuck him.”
He doesn’t look convinced, but at least he’s smart enough to keep his temper in check the way I am. “You’d better at least warn her before dinner,” he muses, his jaw working like he’s grinding his teeth. “You know how she is. Catch her off guard, and she’ll spoil the whole thing by throwing a fit.”
It’s my turn to grind my teeth since I don’t appreciate his condescending attitude. “Keep your opinions to yourself, and I’d appreciate if you would stop underestimating me. It’s getting so I’m not sure anymore if you’re not going to stick a knife in my back because you want to take my place.”
He rocks back slightly, like I hit him. “You know that’s not true.”
“I’m not so sure. You were never this outspoken. We had our disagreements, but you weren’t such a pain in the ass about it. What’s changed?”
Again, his jaw works, but eventually, his shoulders drop while he grunts, “I don’t want to see you getting jerked around, is all. Especially not by somebody like this sleazy dick.”
“Leave that to me,” I assure him. “In the meantime, we’ll be at Rinaldi’s at seven forty-five. Give them a call and let the chef know we’ll want a private menu.”
“Seating for four?”
“Make it five—six, including you. I want you at the table in case Jack’s kid gets the wrong idea about Tatum.” When he only blinks, confused, it annoys me I have to clarify. “And Bianca, of course.”
“I’ll get right on that.” He’s smart enough to keep his thoughts to himself this time. He needs to make that a habit again.
“Before you go.” I sit up straight and crane my neck, making sure Bianca isn’t outside. “Any progress? Where is this fucker hiding?”
He shakes his head. “No luck so far. He was living with a friend who said he left about three weeks ago. He lost his job at his uncle’s gym, but I couldn’t get a reason for that.”