Page 80 of Blood Money
I closed my eyes and took a deep, cleansing breath, then let it out.
“Did you tell him, then?” Her voice was soft and hesitant.
Lifting my lids, I focused on my grandmother and nodded.
Relief softened her gaze and her eyes glistened. “I’m glad. And I’m so very sorry for lying to you. It was wrong, but done for what I believed were the right reasons. But Vittorio… you know what he is?”
“Yes. He’s agoodman who treats me like his queen. And I love him.”
A tear fell and ran down her wrinkled cheek. “I know you do. Just promise me you’ll be careful,” she urged.
“What’s all this?” Mom came back into view, her worried gaze landing on Nonna, then me.
“I was just telling Kendall how happy I am she owns the bakery now, and how proud I am of her. Got me all emotional.” Nonna sniffled and gave me a watery smile. I was happy she let us keep that secret.
“I’m glad you trust me to keep the bakery alive and in our family,” I told her with a wink, then I gave a sniffle of my own.
“So who is this boyfriend of yours?” Mom playfully waggled her brows.
“His name is Vittorio.”
“Lorenzo’s boy?” Mom’s expression told me she knew exactly who they were and wasn’t overly comfortable with the idea.
“Yes, Mom. And he’s wonderful. Amazing. Incredible.” I sighed. “And so very handsome.”
“Well, if he grew up looking anything like his parents, he would be. If that wasn’t a blessed gene pool, I don’t know what was.” I could tell by Mom’s expression that she was trying to be positive. Then she twisted her lips and wrinkled her nose. “Lorenzo was several years ahead of me in school, but I couldn’t help but have a little crush on him. Hell, I think all the girls at St. Ignatius did.”
I laughed.
“Just think, if he would’ve fallen for me, Vittorio could’ve been your brother,” Mom teased.
“Ew! Mom! Just… don’t.” I pretended like I gagged.
Then we were all laughing.
Finally, I sobered. “I love you both. And I thank you for everything you did to make me who I am today.”
“Oh, honey,” Mom started but pressed her lips together as she blinked away what appeared to be tears.
“Sprite, promise me you’ll love with everything you have.” The corner of my nonna’s mouth kicked up before she scowled. “And if that boy hurts you, he’s answering to me,” she grumbled.
“Deal.” Though my nonna’s lies were confirmed, my heart was lighter. Knowing the truth made all the difference. A piece of me would always grieve for the loss of my sweet baby boy who never got a chance to see the world, but I was finally able to let him rest. My heart ached as I told myself I would see him again one day.
We talked for at least an hour before I heard the door unlocking behind me.
“Gotta go!” I quickly told them. I wasn’t ready for them to give Vittorio a bunch of shit.
“We love you,” they both called out.
“Love you, both! Give my love to Dad!” We were all waving as I ended the call and glanced up at the gorgeous man striding into the room.
“Your Mom?” he asked as he motioned toward my phone.
I nodded. “You’re back early.”
With a hungry stare, he began to remove his clothes.