Page 102 of Fierce-Jonah
He started to laugh. “I’d say you did a good job.”
“I haven’t mastered it yet, but we can work on it another time.”
“Any time you want,” he said.
Wore Me Out
The next morning Megan was in the shower right after Jonah. He’d told her he was going to start coffee and he’d have breakfast ready when she was done.
She would have liked to shower together, but she was so tired that she wasn’t sure she wanted to get up just now.
But it was Christmas morning and they were going to exchange gifts and then go to his parents’ house for breakfast. She had tomorrow off, but he was working and she planned on staying the night again.
When she came out of the shower, her coffee was on the counter. No reason to eat anything; they’d be to his mother’s in an hour or so to have food there.
“You look nice and rested,” she said.
“I feel it. You don’t.”
“Gee,” she said. “Thanks. But you wore me out.”
“I can see that,” he said. “Was it worth it?”
“Totally worth it,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said. “I might start looking for a house.”
“What?” she asked. “Really? Why?”
“This place is small. I like it because Trent is close by, but it’s not like we see much of each other. I don’t have to do any work here either. I’m starting to think I’ve just outgrown it.”
“It’s much bigger than my place is,” she said.
“I know. I thought since you said you wouldn’t mind spending more time with me, that if I got a bigger place it’d be easier.”
Was he asking her to move in with him? No, he didn’t say that. Just spend more time.
It was best to let everything happen when it did.
If he did ask her to move in, she’d do it in a heartbeat. Her parents wouldn’t be happy, but she was to the point she didn’t give a crap about that anymore.
Somehow in the past few months she’d like to think she matured enough to know that she had to do what made her happy.
It could be that she was getting closer to her sisters and realized that not everything was as it seemed or maybe she was finally ready to settle down with someone of her own.
She knew her parents hated that Jonah wasn’t around much, but that didn’t bother her. She’d argued that if he worked another shift she’d see him less. This wasn’t even that bad and she saw him at the gym.
If he wanted her to stay with him more, they’d see more of each other and yet still have their space.
“You need to get a place for you, not me,” she said. “As you said, you don’t have to care for much here, but once you own a place you do.”
“Or I can hire someone,” he said.
“That’s a waste of money,” she said. “Sorry. I shouldn’t say that. It’s the accountant in me coming out. And didn’t you say you wanted to open another gym? Can you do that all at once?”
“I haven’t found a location yet and am not positive I can stretch myself that thin. It doesn’t make sense to do it and not be both places at once. People come to this gym for me. I can’t do it in two places.”