Page 111 of Fierce-Jonah
His mother was the first to check him over, his father the calm reasonable one ready to steady them all if needed.
“How are you feeling?” his mother asked. “Heard you took another knock on the head.”
“I feel like shit,” he said. “Fucking asshole was speeding and ran a light. I didn’t even see it coming or I would have swerved or something.”
“That is why they are called accidents,” his father said. “Other than your head, any other pain?”
“No,” he said. “Nothing I can’t handle. My ribs hurt, but I’m sure that was the seatbelt.”
“Most likely,” his mother said. “You’ve got stitches on your temple too.”
His hand came up and touched the bandage on his left side where his head hit the window. “Scars add character,” he said.
“I’m sure Megan will think it looks sexy just the same,” his mother said. “She’s a wreck out there in the waiting room with Raina.”
“She’s here?” he asked.
“Of course she is,” his father said. “Why would you think otherwise?”
Jonah shrugged. He couldn’t think much at all right now. Maybe that was part of the problem.
He’d been distracted the past two days trying to figure out what was going on with them.
He was pretty sure he was in the wrong. That he was making a bigger deal out of this than her. But he had to think it through. He had to figure it out on his own.
Maybe if he didn’t have the remains of what Molly did to him in his head, he wouldn’t have thought much of this.
He’d known all along that his mother was talking to the Fierces. That she’d wanted her sons settled down. She’d made no secret of that for years. The settling down part.
Megan worked at Fierce. It stood to reason this might have come into play.
“I don’t know,” he said. “I’m not thinking straight.”
It was the truth on a lot of levels. “They said it’s going to be a while before the test results come back,” his father said.
“Great. Just stressing until then.” He didn’t stress much in life, though he’d been the past few days in regards to his fight with Megan.
“Don’t stress,” his mother said. “You are going to be just fine. You’re in much better shape than the last time we were here with you.”
“Not funny,” he said.
“Your mother is right,” his father said. “Much less blood for sure.”
He snorted. He didn’t need the reminder. “Do you want me to go get Megan?” his mother asked. “I’m sure she and Raina just need to see you for themselves and then we can swap out again.”
What he loved about his mother. She was selfless like that. She needed to see for herself that he was fine and then she’d make sure everyone else felt that way too.
“Sure,” he said.
He put his head back down while his parents left and a few minutes later the curtain moved again, Raina and Megan standing there.
“You just like to scare the crap out of us,” Raina said. “But boy, am I glad to see you’re awake.”
“Me too,” he said. Megan seemed hesitant to come closer. He held his hand out. “Do I look that bad?” he asked.
“No,” Megan said. “Just wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me.”
“Of course he wants to see you,” Raina said. “Don’t be silly. Just because he’s stubborn doesn’t mean anything.”