Page 114 of Fierce-Jonah
The water shut off and he pushed the curtain aside and she had the towel right there for him.
“You know, it’s pretty tight in here with you sitting there.”
“That is why you need a bigger bathroom,” she said. “Make sure you get a place with a nice big walk-in shower.”
“One of the things on my list,” he said, stepping out over the tub and then drying off. She’d moved out into the hallway and was just watching him from the open doorway. “I’m fine. You don’t need to be a hawk.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. And I’m hungry. Seriously.”
“Okay. I noticed you had ground beef in the fridge. Were you going to do anything special with that?”
“Meat sauce and pasta.”
“I can handle that. It’s fast too. If you’re sure you’re okay I’ll get that started.”
“I’m fine,” he said. The minute she was out of the bathroom he reached for his migraine meds and took one. He’d checked with the doctors and they said he could and should as a precaution. He didn’t want Megan to know and get upset and be his shadow the rest of the night though.
When he returned to the living room, she was cooking away in the kitchen. “Do you need water or something?” she asked.
“I can get water myself,” he said, walking in to get a bottle. Instead he grabbed a Gatorade. He figured the electrolytes would help too.
“Do you need to check in with the gym or anything?” she asked.
“No. I called them when I came to. My mother said she did too so they didn’t worry where I was and they were canceling everything that day for me.”
“You’re not going in tomorrow, are you?”
“I’ll see how I feel,” he said.
“They said two days, Jonah. I heard the doctor, and your mother made me promise that you wouldn’t go in tomorrow.”
“I can’t sit here in the house all day and do nothing,” he complained.
“I’ll be here with you,” she said, smiling. “We can watch TV and play board games. Think of it as if I spent Sunday with you.”
He tried not to think of the holiday she left in a huff. He shouldn’t have let her go, but he needed time to process things and welcomed the solitude.
“You’re not going to work?” he asked.
“Not until you do,” she said, smiling at him.
“I think you’re going to be a bigger pain than my mother,” he said.
“You can’t cuddle with your mother at night, so I don’t think so.”
He snorted at that and let her have the last word. She’d best him anyway.
She finished dinner quickly and brought him a plate into the living room and sat next to him. “This is good,” he said.
“It’s beef, sauce and spaghetti. Not that hard to mess up.”
“True,” he said. “I appreciate it. And everything that you’re doing. Even if I’m being grouchy.”
“I get it,” she said. “You don’t like to sit still. I’ve heard it from all your family members and you’ve said it yourself.”
“Yeah,” he said. “I know I said it at the hospital, but I’ll say it again. I’m sorry I overreacted on Sunday.”