Page 117 of Fierce-Jonah
“Please don’t,” she said.
She helped him up and against the wall but stayed by his side as he walked to the doorway. He wasn’t leaning against the wall as much as his hands were there to steady him.
This might be the slowest he’d ever moved on top of it, but she wasn’t leaving his side either.
When they finally made it to the bathroom, she asked, “Are you going to be able to stand there and do that?”
“No,” he said. “I’ll sit down. This is so embarrassing.”
“No, it’s not,” she said. “Get it out of your head, Jonah. You’re sick.”
“I’m not sick,” he argued.
“You’re injured. You’d do the same for me. I’m pretty sure you’d be carrying me places.”
“I would,” he said. “You can let me go.”
She didn’t want to leave him, but she wouldn’t want anyone watching her going to the bathroom either.
When she heard the toilet flush a few minutes later, she moved back to the door and opened it. He was at the sink washing his hands but leaning his body against it.
“Back to bed or couch?” she asked.
“Bed,” he said. “It’s closer to the bathroom if I need to go again.”
She guided him back to bed. “Do you need anything else? Aspirin, your migraine meds? Water?”
“Another sports drink,” he said. “That helps. These nausea pills dehydrate me.”
She ran and got it and brought him back a protein bar too. Maybe he’d want something to eat.
“Here,” she said, opening the top and handing it to him. He drank half of it in one shot. “Are you hungry?” She took the bottle back and put the top on it.
“I should try to eat something.”
“I’ve got a protein bar or I can make some toast and eggs.”
“That’s good enough,” he said, reaching for it.
She opened it and handed it over. He was leaning against the headboard and slowly eating as if he wasn’t sure it would stay down.
When he finished it off, he scooted down and got under the covers. “Is there anything else I can do for you? Are you sure I shouldn’t call someone?”
“No,” he said. “Don’t call anyone. I’m fine. They don’t need to know. You’re babying me enough for everyone.”
She ground her teeth again, but let him go and left the room, shutting the light and door after her.
* * *
Hours later,Jonah opened his eyes and nothing was moving. Or not moving that much. Maybe this would pass fast.
He slowly sat up and nothing was spinning. Still good.
He put his feet on the floor and stood up, took a few steps and noticed his balance was off but much better than he was earlier.
He opened the door and didn’t even make it to the bathroom before Megan was by his side and grabbed his arm. “I’m better,” he said.
“Are you sure?”