Page 12 of Fierce-Jonah
When the second limo pulled up and went around the back, he knew his sister was entering that way.
Twenty minutes later people were seated and the music was starting to play. Ryder walked Cody’s mother down the aisle, which made sense because it was his mother-in-law anyway. Jonah walked his mother down and then joined Cody and Trent already at the altar waiting.
The music changed, then Tori walked down in her light green dress. Before she got a quarter of the way down, Megan came and his eyes were glued to her. He was pretty sure his jaw might have smacked to the floor as hard as his body did in his last fight.
Yeah, she knew how to find a dress to fit her body and make all the angles look good.
Her shoulders were just as toned as her bicep that he’d playfully touched at dinner last night.
The closer she got, he realized she was staring at him as much as he was her. But then the music changed again and he looked further up to see Raina coming down on his father’s arm.
Yeah, shit. He could feel his eyes start to fill up seeing her walking down in her white dress looking like the little princess he always thought she was.
His father handed her off to Cody at the end and he took a deep breath and looked over at Megan and saw the soft look in her eyes watching him.
* * *
“Raina makes such a lovely bride,don’t you think so?” Diane Fierce asked Jonah two hours after the ceremony.
“She does,” he said.His fingers were going to the collar of his shirt and trying to give himself breathing room. She noticed he was quick to ditch the tie and undo some buttons once the first dance was done.
Diane was laughing at how she’d trapped Jonah into this conversation when she could tell he needed some air away from people.
“She’s always going to be Jonah’s baby sister,” Jami Davenport said.
“I feel the same way about Ryder. He’s always going to be my baby. I still tell him that too, along with his brothers.”
“I think it’s different when you’ve got a girl,” Jami said. “I don’t think I’ll be this way if my boys ever settle down. I use the word ‘if’ because at the rate they are going Raina’s kids would be married before them.”
“Not funny, Mom,” he said. “My mother thinks she’s a laugh a minute.”
“Just like Megan,” Diane said. “Don’t you think? She’s a funny girl.”
“She seems it,” he said, his gaze moving to the dance floor to catch sight of her husband’s employee.
Oh yeah, she and Carolyn knew what they were doing with this one. Jami had been filling her in on how the dinner went last night and she could see for herself today that those two seemed to only have eyes for each other.
“Jonah was such a good brother and shaved after Raina was upset he had a beard last night.”
“You knew darn well I was going to,” he said. “Don’t make me out to be some saint.”
His mother laughed. “Saint Jonah. Yeah, I don’t think so. You’ve got a lot of making up to do for the headaches you’ve caused me in life to come close to that.”
Diane laughed. “I tell Ryder that all the time. Sam too. Bryce was my calm one. Now they are all married with families of their own.”
“Dani looks lovely over there. Hard to believe she had twins a few weeks ago,” Jami said. “Payton and Marissa have young babies too, right?”
“Yes. Riley is six months old; that is Ryder and Marissa’s daughter. Tommy is twelve and adores his baby sister. Cody really wanted Tommy in the wedding, but he’d said no way. He wasn’t putting a suit on.”
She’d thought that was funny and everyone tried to talk Tommy into doing it, but her grandson said he didn’t want to and Cody agreed to let him just have fun. She knew Cody wasn’t one to push anyone to do things if it made them uncomfortable.
“That would have been adorable,” Jami said. “Raina told me about it too. But she just wanted everyone to have fun today.”
“Everyone seems to be. Back to the grandkids.” Diane figured she’d help Jami out by putting Jonah on the spot. “Emma is about four months old, that is Bryce and Payton’s daughter. And Ian is two. Sam and Dani had their twins, Blake and Finn, a few weeks ago, their other son, Kasey, is two. Unless Marissa wants another one, I think that is all I’m getting. Dani and Payton are both done.”
“That is a lot more than I’ve got. Or might get.”
Jami looked at Jonah and he shook his head at her. “Don’t even think about it. My baby is my business. Go pick on your other son.”