Page 120 of Fierce-Jonah
“You’d think,” Patricia said. “But Molly didn’t do that.”
“What?” she asked. “Who’s Molly?”
“Oh,” Patricia said. “Never mind.”
“No,” she said. “You started this, you can finish it. I know Jonah has dated before. It’s an ex, I’m assuming. Probably the person he was with when he got hurt fighting?”
“Thank God you did know,” Patricia said. “Maybe just not the name.”
Hmmmm. “No, I didn’t know her name,” she said.
“She was a real winner,” Patricia said sarcastically. “Better off you didn’t.”
“How did you know her? Jonah didn’t open this gym until after his accident.” She figured if she said a bit more she could find out what really went on.
“I used to work out at the gym where Jonah trained before. A bunch of us did and followed him here. We felt bad what happened to him in that fight and more so how Molly just left when he said he was done.”
Patricia was one of the more focused bodybuilder types in the gym. She knew Patricia had another job and worked nights and weekends here for more time in the gym and a free membership on top of it. It didn’t surprise her that Patricia knew Jonah longer, but it’d never come up before.
“I can see where that lifestyle isn’t for everyone,” she said.
“It was for Molly,” Patricia said. “She was a gym rat through and through. She had her sights set on being an agent and recruited Jonah. I always thought he was too nice to get in the ring. He could have done much better than her.”
Now she was confused. “Molly was his agent or his girlfriend?”
“Both,” Patricia said. “They started out dating. They met at the gym. He got in the ring with a few people for fun and she encouraged him to pursue it. He was good, but you could see his heart wasn’t in it. A month or so after he was recovering, she’d been on his case to start training again and he said he was done. She left shortly after.”
“What a bitch,” she said.
“Yeah, we all thought so too. He was home recovering and she was at the gym every night working out and talking with the guys. She was still drumming up business and telling everyone Jonah would be back at it soon. I thought it was odd she wasn’t with him helping him get better, but guess it worked out in the end.”
“Guess it did,” Megan said, moving away with a forced smile on her face. Yep, Friday the thirteenth. She should have stayed in bed.
She jumped on the treadmill and decided to sweat out her frustration with the information she’d been told.
How dare he give her crap about secrets when he was the one with them?
First, he didn’t want his family to know he still had some lingering issues. She could understand that to a point. But then he didn’t even want them to know he got vertigo again after the accident. She didn’t think Jami or Raina would have babied him. No more than she did, that was for sure.
To find this out though. This was the final straw.
“Wow, you’re going at it.”
She turned to see Jonah next to her. She’d been on the treadmill for twenty minutes and the incline was up as high as it would go and she was walking faster than normal.
There was sweat trickling down her back now that she thought of it, but all she had on her mind was how much she wanted to yell at Jonah.
She couldn’t and wouldn’t do it here in the gym though.
“Working something out,” she gritted through her teeth.
“Seems serious,” he said.
“It could be,” she said.
“I guess I’ll let you get back to it,” he said. “I’m out of here in an hour if you want to get dinner.”
“Food is good,” she said and turned away from him. She’d tell him to pick something up so they could eat at his place because there was no way she was going out in public with him. This time she wasn’t walking away from him and she wasn’t letting him have time to think it over either.