Page 17 of Fierce-Jonah
She’d tried it all and was having about as much luck as not getting stung by a bee after you hit its hive down with a bat.
She’d decided to give it a rest right around the time Raina met Cody, the two of them going to eat and pigging out like depressed single ladies.
Little had she known her friend had her eye on someone at that time and hadn’t been sharing that news with her.
Oh well, she had to think her time would come. Maybe.
“Just stayed in your room and had sex on every inch of the place?” she asked.
Raina giggled. “We had a hard time on the ceiling so that would be no.”
“Cute,” she said. “Something I would say. You look nice and rested considering you were acting like bunnies in heat.”
Raina’s face flushed that time. “It was so much fun. And the wedding was perfect. Thank you for everything you did for it and my day.”
“You’re welcome,” she said. “I had a blast.”
She did until she realized she’d drunk more than she should have and flirted like an idiot with Jonah only to have him tease and nothing more.
She’d thought he was feeling the same as her, but in the end, nothing. Crickets since he’d dropped her off at home.
She’d been getting ready to call an Uber and he’d offered to give her a lift. She thought, yep, here it is. They could talk and get to know each other. Maybe share a kiss if not exchange phone numbers.
None of that happened.
He pulled up in front of her apartment building, she said thanks and goodnight, there was an awkward silence where she offered for him to come in for coffee and he said he needed to get out of his suit before he developed road rage.
She’d thought he was kidding, but she didn’t see a smile on his face. More like a pained one. She’d gotten out and said goodnight one more time and that was the last she’d heard from him. She’d probably never see him again unless it was at some family function she was invited to at Raina’s.
Then she spent the rest of this week thinking it was the smart thing.
Raina was one of her best friends. It would be completely messy if she got involved with Jonah and things didn’t work out.
Because it’s not like Megan had the best track record with men so there was a good chance it’d flop.
“Best day of my life,” Raina said.
She nodded her head. “I’ll let you get back to work. I know you’ve got a lot to catch up on which is why I didn’t rush in here first thing.”
She’d given Raina an hour or so to get settled but then wanted to see how she was doing.
“I’ll catch up with you for lunch if you want,” Raina said. “I’ll show you some more pictures. I couldn’t very well send you them all.”
“I’d love to see them,” she said.
She walked back to her office and was getting ready to sit down when Garrett showed up. “Megan,” he said. “How are you doing?”
“Great,” she said. “Are you looking for Kara? She’s in a meeting right now.”
“Oh,” Garrett said, looking around. “Yeah, I was looking for her. I’ll catch her another time.”
He seemed to be acting weird to her, but she let it go and sat down. He was still standing there though. “Is there something I can help you with?”
He moved into her office, standing in the doorway. “You seemed to have a great time at the wedding a week ago.”
“I did. It was wonderful.”
She found it odd he was bringing this up now when she’d seen him a few times in the past week. “How is that bull doing? Still blind to the color red?”