Page 26 of Fierce-Jonah
“What are you doing coming in this late?” he asked Trent when he pulled into the complex and passed his brother’s apartment. Trent was getting out of his car in the front.
“A case I’m working on. It’s killing me.”
“You need to work that frustration off on more than your computer,” he said.
“If I had the time I would,” Trent said. “I might go into the club early tomorrow. I think I need it. You going to be there?”
“Not at five,” he said. “I’ll probably be in at seven. I’ve got a client coming in at seven thirty.”
“Maybe I’ll see you,” Trent said. “I’ve got to be in court at nine and I’m going straight there from the gym.”
“See you then,” he said and went to his small place.
It was easier than owning a home that he had no time to care for, but he felt like he had no space here either.
He grabbed some of the leftover chicken he’d had in the fridge with rice and filled a bowl to warm up in the microwave. He was getting low on his cooked food too and would have to sit down and make more. His life was all about efficiency and being in a routine, which was probably why his personal life was suffering so much.
Pushed The Boundaries
Megan opened her eyes the next morning and let out a groan. She tried to move her arm to throw the covers back and yelped.
How the hell could her body hurt this much when she was barely lifting ten pounds? Sometimes it was less than that because the hot sexy trainer told her her form wasn’t good enough.
No, she didn’t want to take insult to that and maybe her pride shouldn’t have gotten in the way to push for the higher weights.
Or it could be that she was blinded by being so close to him again.
Had she pushed the boundaries and gone out to buy the skimpiest workout outfit she could find that she’d feel comfortable in? Hell yes, she had.
It was working. She knew it was. More than once Jonah didn’t seem to be paying attention to what she was saying but rather looking at her body.
Of course, that was what he was supposed to be doing anyway.
She sucked a breath in. Everything hurt, but she knew she had to get up and move. Maybe she was just stiff because she’d been so exhausted that she’d come home and showered, then climbed in bed and passed out before the timer on her TV even went off.
“Shit,” she said when she stood up. Her freaking toes even hurt. How the hell was that possible? He did say she might struggle to walk after a session with him, but she was almost hoping he meant something else completely.
She grabbed some clothes and hobbled into the bathroom. She was pretty sure she resembled someone that might have a stick up their butt and was afraid to jar it with as fast as she was going.
Squatting to sit on the toilet proved to be troublesome. Or maybe it was more when she had to stand up and thought her legs might be shaking. What the hell?!
She turned the water on hotter than normal, then got in and just let it beat against every part of her body that it could. When she was soaping up she was trying to massage what she could reach.
By the time she got out, she did feel a little better. Not great, but she was moving faster. She’d even debated shaving her legs because she wasn’t sure she could bend over long enough to do it without her back cramping.
In the end she realized lifting a dress to go to the bathroom during the day would be easier than bending and pulling her pants up. It was a sad state of affairs she even had to run those scenarios through her head before she picked up a razor.
By the grace of God, she made it to work and at her desk. The four Motrin she’d taken with her breakfast were finally taking the edge off so that she wasn’t walking slower than her ninety-five-year-old grandmother. Hell, she was pretty sure good old granny and her buddies could beat her in a race right now.
After an hour at her desk, she realized she should get up and move so she didn’t get any stiffer than she was.
She went to the copier to get ready for a meeting she had later when Raina stopped by her. “What’s wrong with you?”
“What?” she asked.
“You’re moving slow. Are you hurt? Get some good action last night?”