Page 31 of Fierce-Jonah
“Listen to you trying to give it back to me.”
Now she was playing with him. He knew it. He had no response that wouldn’t come off as crude so he decided to not say it. “Let me pull my schedule up on the computer.”
“Are you in an office?” she asked. “I’m not sure I can see you behind a desk. If you can ever fit behind one.”
“I’ve got an office. I stand behind my desk more than sit. I don’t sit often and am not used to it. My mother says I’m allergic to staying still unless I’m sleeping.”
“I could see that,” she said. “At least from what I know about you, which isn’t all that much.”
“What do you know?” he asked while he scanned through to find a night that might work and wouldn’t be when it was close to closing the gym down. Also when he’d have coverage too. Holy crap, this was harder than he thought and might explain why his personal life was in the shitter.
“Only what you told me the few times we’ve been together. Raina doesn’t talk about you much. Or Trent. Sorry, don’t want to insult you. It's just she is quiet and I only knew the basics about her family.”
“No insult taken. We aren’t the type of family to go around saying things. And this is going to sound horrible, but I’m booked up solid all but Sunday morning. I’ve got a three-hour window when I can get something to eat between ten and one.”
“See,” she said, “important. How about brunch on Sunday morning at ten thirty? You will be at work and leaving from there. We can keep it casual so you don’t even have to change.”
“Oh, I’ll have to change,” he said. “But I’ll still only have shorts on.”
“You find a place close by,” she said, “and let me know. I’m assuming you got my number from my file. This is your cell phone?”
“Yes,” he said. “It is.”
“Then I’ll mark it with your name,” she said primly. “Not that too many other guys are going to text me and ask how I feel.”
“Or how you’re walking,” he said. Silence again. “Sorry. That was in poor taste.”
She laughed. “Hang on.” He heard people talking, muffled sounds, but not words, then she came back a minute later. “Someone came into my office to get something. I didn’t want them to hear my response to you.”
“What was your response going to be?” he asked.
“Can’t wait to see if you get to ask me that question at some point,” she said.
Yeah, he needed to give up busting because now he was going to have more thoughts in his head that didn’t need to be there.
Play By The Rules
Megan looked at herself in the mirror one more time before she left to meet Jonah for brunch.
She knew he was busy but hadn’t expected that if she didn’t take him up on the time today it wouldn’t be for a few weeks. How the hell could the guy live like that if he never went anywhere other than his house and the gym? It was one thing she was going to address today.
Did she want to get involved with someone that she’d never see? Why bother? She could stay home alone like she had been and not stress about what her boyfriend might be doing if he wasn’t with her.
She supposed that was what this date was for. To see if it was worth either of their time to get to know the other.
She got to the restaurant he’d picked out fifteen minutes later. It wasn’t that far from the gym and she assumed he might have picked it so he could spend time with her and not in the car. Or so she hoped.
When she walked in, she saw him in a booth and made her way over rather than waiting for the hostess.
“Am I late?” she asked, sliding in across from him. All she could see was a black T-shirt that looked way too good. At least she’d have a napkin in front of her to wipe any drool from her mouth.
“No,” he said. “I just got here.”
“I’m glad you could leave. I’m going to assume you have staff there?”
“Yes,” he said. “I rarely don’t have staff on or work the desk, but it can happen if someone calls in sick or had a day off and I can’t find coverage. I’ve got cameras in the back that let me see if someone is at the desk. Those that are regulars know where I am and can come get me.”