Page 38 of Fierce-Jonah
She hung her bag up in the locker. Jonah had given her a lock and key to use for her purse. Guess they did that if someone didn’t want to bring their own. He didn’t want to worry about people having their things stolen.
They got to the gym early enough for him to go into the computer and set her up with a two-month membership. No one would know she didn’t pay and she still felt bad about that, but then liked that he was willing to compromise some on their time.
She knew he had work to do, so she’d gone back out into the gym and found an empty treadmill and set it for one of the programs and put her earbuds in her ears to listen to music.
The baseball game on the TV didn’t interest her much so she looked around the gym while she walked. If she felt self-conscious about the people running on the ones next to her, she pushed it off. If she tried to do that she’d fall flat on her face for all to see. No, thank you. She’d embarrassed herself enough this morning talking with Jonah and confessing the things she didn’t think she would.
That she was nervous. Really? Or that she wanted her parents' approval and didn’t get it.
How about the fact that she insulted him by commenting on being stable. It was more likeshewasn’t the stable one.
She hoped she got that through to him at least.
When her time was up on the treadmill, she had a nice sweat running down her back and she thought, hmm, maybe she would try to lift some weights. Not a full body routine. No way. She couldn’t handle that. She’d just work on her upper body and her abs. This way she could at least walk tomorrow without a problem.
Thirty minutes later, her arms felt good, but she knew she’d feel it tomorrow and decided to give it a break.
She was on the machine that Jonah had helped to lift her to when she caught sight of him coming out of the back room. Today she tried to look back there when she was moving around. The doors had been open, two big double doors, and there were a lot of people working out.
There were two rings set up, some people boxing in one, boxing bags hung there too, mats on the floor and some other things she had no idea what they were. It was almost like there were two environments and she was glad for that. There was no way she’d work out here if she was in the same area as them.
She had noticed a bunch of women going up the stairs for classes and was going to grab a schedule on the way out too.
“Still here,” he said, coming over to her. “Waiting for me?”
“If I say yes, you might think I’m clingy and we wouldn’t want that because I’m not. It’s more that I wanted to give the weights a try myself and see how much pain I inflicted.”
“Your form here is good,” he said.
She was lifting her knees to her chest while she talked. “I’m pretty smart and remembered what you taught me.”
“Did you do a whole body workout?” he asked.
“No. Upper body only. Just the machines you showed me. Nothing more. And I only did two sets of ten but kept the same weight.”
“You should be fine tomorrow. Smart,” he said.
“I’ve been known to be,” she said.
“How much longer are you going to be?” he asked.
“I’m going to finish this up and go home. I’ve been gone for a long time and I’m hoping I can get some laundry done.”
“Okay. Sorry I couldn’t give you more time.”
“I didn’t think I’d get as much as I have. I know we talked about so many things, but I didn’t get a chance to tell you that I won’t tell Raina anything you told me about your injury.”
“Thanks,” he said.
“Are you working until close?” she asked.
“No. I should be done by seven with my last person and then I’ll take off.”
“You’ve got my number if you’re bored,” she said and then realized how stupid that sounded.
“An invite to your place?” he asked.
Okay, this was getting interesting. She wasn’t one to jump in bed with someone this fast, but her body was extremely turned on.