Page 43 of Fierce-Jonah
“Very funny,” Raina said. “Do you want to get lunch together today?”
Oh God. She wanted to say no, but told herself that wouldn’t be right. She and Jonah hadn’t resolved what they were going to tell his sister and she didn’t want to do anything without clarifying it with him.
They’d talked about not wanting to keep it a secret forever, nothing like that. But when would be a good time? Definitely not in the breakroom at work when she didn’t know how her friend would react.
“Sure,” she said. “Come get me when you’re ready.”
“Will do,” Raina said and walked away.
She rushed to her office and texted Jonah.Raina wants to have lunch together. Urgh.
She didn’t expect him to reply back. He could be doing all sorts of things. It’s not like they’d seen each other since Sunday night, but they did text on and off and talked at night. Each night. Which she found she enjoyed.
He called her on Monday. She called him last night when he was home and only when she knew he wasn’t busy. She was going to the gym to work out after work today.
She would have gone another day, but she still had embarrassment riding high over what they’d done in her kitchen. She wasn’t so sure why, but she knew she’d have to face him again.
Of course she had to. She wanted to see him naked, and in order to do that, she had to face him.
An hour later her phone went off on her desk and she reached for it, thinking it was Jonah, but it was her sister Emily asking if she had a minute to talk.
She had no idea what this could be about but replied she could.
When the phone rang she answered, “Hello. What’s up?”
“Not much,” Emily said. “Abby’s birthday is this weekend. She’s turning sixteen.”
Crap, she’d forgotten. “Oh yeah,” she said. “What are you doing?”
“She wants a party with her friends, which is planned for Saturday. But Sunday Mom was going to have dinner for the family. I just wanted to make sure you were going to be there. You know Abby loves her Aunt Megan.”
“Of course I’ll be there,” she said. “And she loves me because I’m much cooler than her parents are.”
Her older sister laughed. “Only you think that.”
“Don’t need to think it when I know. Let me know the time and I’ll be there,” she said. It’s not like she had any plans that she knew of and she was positive Jonah would be working on Sunday afternoon.
“And if you haven’t gotten Abby’s gift yet, she’s been talking about these shorts she likes that Tom won’t let her have. I don’t feel like getting into an argument with him over it.”
“Which means if Aunt Megan buys them, he’d expect no differently and Abby will throw a fit if she’s not allowed to wear them but you don’t see an issue with them?”
She hated this always happened. That she was put in the middle. Like her sisters didn’t want to stand up for themselves with their spouses but because it’d been said enough that Megan did her own thing that they could use her to get their way.
“That pretty much sums it up,” Emily said.
“Text me the store and her size and I’ll try to find them before Sunday.”
“Thanks, Megan. I’ll see you then.”
“Bye.” She hung up the phone and went back to work. Or at least tried to, but there was a knock at her door and she looked up to see Garrett standing there.
“How are things going?” Garrett asked.
“Good,” she said. She wasn’t sure why he was seeking her out when he never really did before. Unless it had to do with Jonah.
She’d gotten thinking before that maybe it was bold of her to ask the owners of the company for help with a guy.
Sure, they all loved doing it. But she wasn’t family. Neither was Jonah.