Page 55 of Fierce-Jonah
Megan popped her head in and saw the light blue of the bath, the gray stone counters and the pretty decorations on the wall. “Very nice. It looks much better in person than in the pictures.”
“Doesn’t it,” Raina said.
They moved through the rest of the house and she saw the other changes that had been made. The house itself hadn’t needed a lot of work. It was a nice one-story modern home that was only about thirty years old. The kitchen had been redone and all Raina and Cody did was paint in there too.
“You are making this your home,” she said. She was trying not to feel any jealousy over the fact that Raina was younger than her and here she was married and a homeowner.
Just like her sisters all had been much younger than Megan was now when they got married.
“It’s so exciting,” Raina said. “I never thought I’d see this day.”
She thought that was an odd statement but let it go for now. “Can we sit and talk for a minute? Before Cody gets back?”
“Sure,” Raina said. “Sit. This sounds serious. Are you feeling okay?”
“Yes, why?”
“Your face is red. And honestly, for the past week I’ve felt like there is something going on with you, but I figured you’d tell me when it was time.”
Megan sighed. Guess she wasn’t doing that good of a job of hiding things. Not that she wanted to hide anything either.
There was no other way to do this than just say it. “I’m dating someone.”
“You are?” Raina said. “Oh my God. Why haven’t you said anything before now?”
She scrunched her nose up. “It’s Jonah.”
Raina’s jaw dropped. “Jonah, my brother?”
“Yes.” There was silence there and then she said, “I didn’t know when to tell you. I mean I didn’t want to say anything at first because it was more like flirting and it’s not like we saw each other much or anything like that. But then, the flirting turned to more and I knew you had to be told.”
Raina started to laugh. “You’re pulling my leg, right?”
This wasn’t turning out the way she thought it would. “No. I’m sorry. I mean, I like him a lot and I don’t want anything to come between us. You saw my reaction when I met him at your party at Ryder’s.”
“I did,” Raina said. She still had a smile on her face. “That is how most women react.”
“Why are you smiling?”
“Because Jonah gets annoyed by it. You’re not his type. And I know for a fact he’s notyourtype.”
“I know,” she said. “That is what makes it so much harder.”
“You’re really dating my brother?” Raina asked.
“Yeah. I mean not to go into too much detail, but you know, the deed is done so I can fully say I’m dating him.”
Raina shook her head. “I don’t need to hear that about my brother. I get it. I don’t have a problem with it. I have to ask though—is this one of those Fierce things? I saw my mother talking to Diane and Carolyn several times. And now the conversation at work is coming back to me with Grant bringing up my brothers and dating or finding women.”
“I was flirting with Jonah before that. You saw it.”
“I did,” Raina said. “And that is about all they need to get things in motion.”
“I asked them for help when they noticed it,” she said quickly.
Raina laughed even harder. “Seriously?”
She let out a breath. “Yeah. They brought it up and were beating around the bush. Kara heard it and then I told her I should just ask them for help and see what they did. Jade thought it was funny too. That it would throw them off their game.”