Page 62 of Fierce-Jonah
“I didn’t ask her,” Abby said. “I don’t even know how she found out I wanted them.”
Megan looked at her sister and shrugged. Tom was giving his wife a look and she wasn’t going to get in the middle of it. It was their marriage.
“There is another thing in there I took a guess on.”
Abby pulled the yellow sundress out. It’d cover her niece completely on the top, was sleeveless and fell loosely around her hips, stopping above her knees. It was more like a swing dress, but the light yellow was pretty with white around the hem and arms.
“I love this even more,” Abby said. “They just stocked this there last week and I told Mom I hoped I got some gift cards to buy one. I even wanted this color.”
Abby moved over to her on the couch and gave her a hug and kiss. “Then my work here is done.”
“I want to go shopping with you someday. Can we?”
“I’d love to take you shopping anytime you want,” she said.
Abby’s father snorted and looked away and Emily just shrugged to get up and help her mother with the food.
Guess having a boring guy didn’t make for the best marriage or communication.
Her sister Sarah came over and pulled the phone out of Sophia’s hand. “Go outside with your cousins and do something and get off this phone.”
“They don’t want me around,” Sophia said.
“You think they don’t more than that being the case. Go,” Sarah said.
She laughed when her sister sat next to her on the couch. “What’s going on with you?”
“Not much,” Megan said. “Just being the trouble-making aunt as always.”
“Ignore Tom. He has a stick up his butt like always.”
She grinned. “Emily has to live with it, not me.”
“Yep. I tell her all the time to put her foot down,” Sarah said.
“Instead she has me to be the bad guy.”
“I would have bought those shorts, but Emily told me you got them. There isn’t anything wrong with them. All the girls are wearing them and some shorter.”
“I know what it’s like,” she said. “Dad was the same way with me.”
“Just like you can understand Sophia too,” Sarah said.
“It’s not always fun being the baby.”
“Please, you got away with so much more than we did,” Sarah said.
“That’s your fault for not trying to do more. But you didn’t have to live with being compared to everyone. I still am. Mom thinks she knows the right type of man for me. Dad too. In their eyes I’m going to be a spinster soon.”
Sarah laughed. “Sorry. Jonah was nice looking. Did you have a good time with him at the wedding?”
Her sisters never talked to her about these things before. “I did. He is really nice.”
“Don’t listen to Mom and Dad. Find the guy that makes you happy. In the end, it’ll be worth it. More than what Emily is going through.”
“What about you? Dad thinks Bill is perfect.”
“Bill is pretty great. Laid back and lets me call more shots. It works for us. But we aren’t you and you aren’t us. Nor is Bill like Jonah.”