Page 81 of Fierce-Jonah
She started to laugh. “Abby would love it. My sisters might too. My brothers-in-law might freak out though. They are all on the small side.”
He moved over and pulled her into his arms. “We know you like me big.”
“I like everything about you,” she said, her hand going between his legs and cupping him. “It works on you and works great for me.”
He hitched her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Maybe I like having someone soft and feminine and on the small side too.”
“You just like to control me,” she said, fluttering her eyelashes at him.
He found that funny because there was part of him that told himself he’d never be with another woman that told him what to do. That tried to control him. Or influence him to make decisions in his life he didn’t feel comfortable with.
Yet he’d do just about anything Megan asked of him, he was sure.
It was probably good she didn’t know she had that power over him.
“Only in the bedroom,” he said. “And you like it there too.”
“You know I do. One of these days I think I need to take control.” She slid down his body and put her feet on the ground. “Having a nice big man under my fingers doing what I want and what I ask. Oh yeah, I’ve got images in my mind now.”
He gulped again and she laughed. She saw the reaction. “We’ll have to give that a try another night. Now we need to get to your parents and not have them wondering why we’re late. No reason to make them think poorly of me.” Or more than they probably already did.
Didn’t her parents make some comment about him not being stable?
He wanted to make sure that her parents knew he could take care of not only himself but Megan too if he needed to.
The problem was, he wasn’t so sure Megan would appreciate that. She was independent and he liked that about her.
This wasn’t going to be as easy as he’d hoped for.
They left and drove to her parents, parked, and he noticed that there were a lot of cars there. “We aren’t late,” she said. “Don’t worry. My sisters are always early. My mother said two and it’s ten minutes of. Plenty of time.”
She opened the front door to the two-story colonial. “Did you grow up here?”
“Yes. Nice quiet and respectable neighborhood. Boring is more like it,” she said, laughing.
They moved to the back of the house where everyone was sitting in a family room. Hedidfeel like the Hulk compared to everyone in this room. Good lord.
At least with his family his brother and father weren’t that much shorter than him, just didn’t have as much muscle. Even at Raina’s wedding, the Fierces were all tall and big men. Cody was six foot and in great shape too. He didn’t think there was a man in this room over five foot eight.
“Everyone, this is Jonah Davenport. Jonah, my parents, Kevin and Tammy, my sister, Emily, and her husband, Tom, their daughter, Abby, and son, Tyler. Then my other sister, Sarah, her husband, Bill, their kids, Charlie and Sophia.”
“It’s nice to meet you all,” Jonah said, moving around the room and shaking everyone’s hands. There were some eyes that were bugging out, mainly from the men.
“He’s yummy,” Abby said. “Better in person. And with the facial hair.”
“Abby,” Tom said. “That is rude and inappropriate out of the mouth of a sixteen-year-old.”
Jonah laughed with Megan. “It’s fine. I think he’s yummy too,” Megan said. “That’s why he’s my boyfriend.”
“Can we get you something to drink?” Tammy asked him. “Water, soda, ice tea, beer?”
He noticed no one had a beer and wasn’t going to bother either. “Ice tea is good,” he said.
Megan grinned at him and leaned closer when they sat down. “You could have taken a beer and then I would have stolen some sips of it.”
He shut one eye at her. “Maybe another time.”
“My daughter tells me you own a gym,” Kevin said. “Have you been in business long?”