Page 91 of Fierce-Jonah
“Nonsense,” Jami said. “This is the first time one of my boys has brought a girl home for Thanksgiving.”
“Really?” she asked. That shocked her.
“I’ve never dated anyone around a holiday it seemed,” Trent said. “Or not long enough.”
She turned to look at Jonah. “You haven’t either?”
“I have,” he said. “But I’ve gone to their house and not here.”
“Oh.” She wouldn’t get jealous over that. She’d dated before. She knew Jonah did too. She’d never thought she was that much of a jealous person and wasn’t going to start now.
“My brothers never take holidays seriously,” Raina said. “But until Cody, I didn’t bring someone home either.”
“No one is as awesome as me,” Cody said.
“I see we are all full of ourselves today,” John said. She liked Jonah’s father a lot. He didn’t say much, but he could blush when his wife picked on him. Just like she noticed with Jonah too.
It’s funny how she’d listened to her parents for years telling her what she needed and she felt like she wanted to get their approval, but what she was finding was that what she needed was in this room and nothing like what was happening at her parents’ house today.
Yes, her mother was annoyed she elected to spend Thanksgiving dinner with Jonah’s family over her own, but she’d given in and said she’d stop over later when they were having dessert. Her family ate much later anyway and it’d work out.
“I’m going to be full of Mom’s turkey today,” Jonah said.
She liked to see him joking even if they weren’t very funny. He’d come a long way from when she’d first met him in May.
So had their relationship. After they’d said they loved each other two weeks ago, it was like this unspoken bond they had.
Nothing had changed on the outside, but inside it just felt like so much more than she’d ever had before.
She was still only staying at his house on the weekends, going to the gym after work a few times a week too and they had Sundays to themselves after she stayed on Saturday night.
He’d been embarrassed over his migraine a few weeks ago and she told him to cut the crap. Just because he was a big guy didn’t mean he didn’t get sick or never felt pain. Everyone did in life.
He’d asked her not to tell his sister or his family. Not to bring it up. She didn’t know why and questioned him.
All he’d said was he didn’t want to worry them. He did it enough by making the stupid decision to fight in the first place and then he changed the subject and she knew enough to let it drop.
“Not if I get it before you,” Trent said. “Let me guess, you went and worked out today.”
Megan started to laugh and Jonah blushed. “What are we missing here?” Jami asked. “I thought the gym was closed for the holiday.”
“It is,” he said.
“We did yoga,” she announced. “Both of us.”
There was laughter around the room. “Dude, you were doing yoga?” Trent asked.
“There isn’t anything wrong with yoga,” she said primly. “I did it for years before I joined the gym. I still like to do it.”
“Megan is annoyed I held a plank longer than her. She thought for sure she had me there. She should know better,” he said.
She wrinkled her nose at him. She’d gotten so much stronger than ever before and thought for sure she could pull it off. Four minutes in, her arms were shaking more than her abs and Jonah was goofing off and doing it one handed, then switching up to the other.
She should have never thrown down some kind of challenge like that.
“Never compete with Jonah over anything,” Jami said. “He’d knock a little old lady down to get a win.”
“That’s wrong, Mom,” he said.