Page 108 of Fierce- Royce
The silence was getting to her though. “You probably want to know why I reached out, correct?” Emily asked.
“I do. Why now after all this time?”
“I’ve been curious for years. I have a life and a family. I never stopped thinking of you but also know that you were well cared for. My husband, Curt, always knew about you. I didn’t want to surprise him with that information. But my kids didn’t know. I never really saw a reason to tell them. Unfortunately, Crystal overheard a conversation my mother was having with my father. I’m not sure why it was brought up about you, but she asked and I didn’t want to lie.”
“So your daughter is the reason that you sought me out?” she asked.
“Yes and no. It got me thinking. I told her and Corbin. That’s my son, but I’m guessing you know that if you looked into us. As I said, I’ve got nothing to hide.”
She’d see about that when she asked about her birth father. Her mother was right. So far nothing about Emily said this woman was loose and out sleeping with random men and wouldn’t know who the father was.
“I don’t either,” Chloe said. “I think I would have been content to go about my life and not know anything about you and your family. That probably sounds horrible, I know, but I was raised by my adopted parents. They loved me and gave me everything I could hope for.”
Emily’s eyes got a bit misty. “I’m glad. I talked to two couples back then and I knew you would be a good fit with them. They had your brother already and he seemed so well adjusted. I couldn’t give you the life you had.”
“I understand that. I’m not trying to be cruel with my words. I think things turned out the way they were meant. But Royce and I are expecting a child. It’s not common knowledge outside of our family, as I’m only out of the first trimester. But that being said, it got me thinking more about my personal medical history. That of my birth father’s too. I know his name wasn’t listed on the birth certificate.”
Emily sighed. “I figured this would be part of it. And I knew going in it would come up.”
“My mother said you didn’t know who the father was, but I’m not sure I believe that.”
“I do know who your father is. I never told anyone. He was older.”
This started to make more sense. “How much older?” Royce asked.
“Old enough to have been arrested due to my age and his,” Emily said. “I thought I was in love and found out he was just using me. I was naive, and due to the circumstances surrounding it, I kept quiet.”
“Did he know you were pregnant?” she asked.
“I told him. He wanted me to end the pregnancy. I didn’t want to do that. There are just so many people out there that could love my baby.”
She knew that had to be a very hard decision for Emily to make and was thankful that it’d been done. “My parents said your parents were in favor of the adoption?”
“They were,” Emily said. “I’m close with my parents, but I refused to give the father’s name up and that caused a lot of tension. I didn’t think I could raise you. I was heartbroken and wasn’t sure having you as a reminder was a good thing either. There is just so much that was involved back then.”
“Anything you are going to share with me?” she asked. “Would you be willing to let me know who he is now?”
“I talked to my husband about this prior. I had a feeling you’d want to know. Things could get very messy in my life and my children’s if the father’s name comes out.”
“I’m sorry for that,” Royce said. “And this is Chloe’s decision, but if there is something we need to know for our child’s sake we’d like that. I have the means and the friends to push more if I have to on this. I can protect Chloe too.”
She wanted to growl over that. She didn’t need anyone to protect her. “Royce,” she said. “I understand what you are saying and doing. I love the support. Emily, you might not know much about me other than the basics.”
“No,” Emily said. “I didn’t even know you were dating Royce. If I decide to let you know this information, it’d make me feel better to know that you do have some protection. I know your employers are big names in Durham, but they are just your employers.”
She laughed. “Something like that.”
“It’s more,” Royce said. “My family owns Kennedy Construction. We are partners with Fierce Engineering, Olson Law Firm and McCarthy Construction. We know people in this area too and have the means and resources for a lot of things. We can handle anything that is thrown our way if Chloe is willing to find out.”
There was part of her that wasn’t so sure at this point though. “I need to think about this. I’m sure you do too. I don’t always like a lot of eyes on me and it sounds as if that will happen?”
“Yes and no,” Emily said. “You may not do anything with the name. That is up to you. But if you do, then it’s possible that could happen.”
“I’ll have to take that chance once I know more.”
Their food was delivered since they’d placed orders when their drinks were brought out. “Why don’t we eat and talk about something else,” Royce said.
“That’s a good idea. I’d think you might want to know more about me, but I could be wrong?”