Page 118 of Fierce- Royce
“One can only hope,” his father said.
“As I was saying,” he said, “we are going to hire a project manager. Someone to help oversee things so I’m not running everywhere. I’m not doing as much hands-on work even though I enjoy it. But I’m pulled in all directions at all times with lots of jobs. Having someone else take over some of those jobs will help tremendously.”
“That’s great,” Chloe said. “But I don’t want you to have to do that for me.”
“I said I was doing it for me. For you. For our child. I know you like your space. I won’t infringe on it. But wouldn’t it be nice if I was in the house to take care of the baby so you can have some time to yourself to binge-watch TV?”
“Or knit,” she said, laughing.
“You knit?” her mother asked her.
“No,” she said, snorting. “It’s a private joke. So we both said what we needed to. Why did you say this now?”
“Because it’s important to me that your family knows that I’m here for you too.”
She smiled at him. “I think they know if I wanted you here more I’d tell you right to your face.”
“She would,” Dane said.
“And with a smile on her face,” her father said.
“Good to know.”
“Then I think we can move onto the last part before Royce starts to grill. We’ve decided on a name for our daughter.”
“I was hoping that was soon,” Elise said. “Don’t keep us in suspense!”
“Willow Grey Kennedy. We aren’t hyphenating the last names. Her middle name will be Grey. I know it’s a boy’s name.”
“It can be a name for anyone,” her mother said. “It’s very pretty. How did you settle on it?”
“Royce and I have been looking at designs for the baby’s room. For Willow’s room. I’m drawn to gray and soft colors. I saw this pretty white and gray willow wallpaper. Very feminine but not over the top female.”
“It was almost immediately that we both said, what do you think about Willow?” he said.
He was still shaking his head over that. Guess it was meant to be and now he just had to get Chloe to see she was meant to be his wife. Not today, though he was already in the process of having the ring made.
Best not to have too many things happening in one day.
“That’s such a sweet story,” her mother said. “One you can share with your daughter someday too.”
“We’ll have a lot of stories to share with her,” Chloe said, winking at him.
He felt his face blush. “Not all of them,” he said.
Three Months Later
Time was flyingand it was just about five weeks before Willow was going to be born. He was running out of time to get that ring on Chloe’s finger even though he’d had it in his possession for months.
After a lot of debating on how to do this, he figured this was the only way.
He knocked on Chloe’s door to her office Monday morning. He had to pick up some blueprints. She said she was going to bring them home tonight, but why bother?
“Hey,” she said. “What are you doing here?”
“Getting the blueprints,” he said. “I wasn’t that far from here. How are you doing?”