Page 52 of Fierce- Royce
When they got to the conference room, Chloe took a seat and opened her computer and started to type. He felt his phone go off in his pocket and pulled it out to read a text from her telling him that was both awful and hilarious at the same time.
He laughed and put his phone away and then winked at her. No reason to respond. That might be too risky to do.
“Elise is going to order lunch to be delivered. What would you like?”
“Anything easy is good for me,” she said. “Whatever.”
“Sandwiches? Turkey and provolone?” he asked her and then wished he could have taken back the fact that he knew she ate that when she was at his house weeks ago.
“Sure,” she said, smiling at him.
He got up and went to the secretary and told her what to order and to see if Elise or his father wanted anything and then returned to get to work.
“Sorry,” he said, wincing about the sandwich comment.
“Don’t be,” she said quietly.
They got to work and their sandwiches were delivered forty minutes later, with Elise coming in to join them.
“Hi,” Elise said. “Mind if I join you two so I can make sure we are on the same page with the size of some of the things they said they want?”
“Sure,” he said. “Have you met Chloe yet?”
“We met when she came in,” Elise said. Elise pulled open her computer. “Why don’t we eat first and just chat.”
“That works,” Chloe said.
He sat back while Elise and Chloe talked more than anything. It was about work and nothing more. A few comments were thrown in about the New Year’s Eve party that she’d heard was fun and that next year she was going to try to go.
Chloe encouraged his sister to do it, but nothing else was said.
When the three of them were done with their lunch, they went back to their work and three hours later had everything fleshed out enough for Chloe to get started.
“I should have this done by the end of the week for Grant’s approval. I’m going to make it a priority,” Chloe said. “I know it’s going to take time to order your supplies and get things set on your end, but we need the plans approved first.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Don’t rush too much, as I can only move so fast anyway.”
“It’s better to have it done and get to it when we can,” Elise said. “We know that.”
“You’re right,” he said to his sister.
“Did you hear that, Chloe? I’ve got witnesses. My brother told me I was right.”
Chloe laughed. “I do that with my brother, Dane, too. It’s a sister thing.”
“How are things going in here?” his father asked when he came in.
“Just finishing up now,” he said. “Remember, Chloe said she has plans so we can get her out of here to get ready for them.”
“Thank you for that,” she said. “But I’ve got plenty of time still.”
It was just after three at this point. He was going to try to get out around four since he’d spent the whole day in the office. His father was out running to the sites, telling him he’d cover for him.
He knew it was because his father wanted him and Chloe to spend the afternoon together and he wasn’t going to argue about it.
“Hopefully he’s accommodating for you if you are late,” Royce said.
“I’m sure he will be,” she said, nodding her head. Not even cracking a smile and keeping it professional. His father frowned. Damn, she was good at this.