Page 66 of Fierce- Royce
He’d like to think he wasn’t single now and wanted to keep it that way.
She’d done the same. Left work early too. This was a two-way street in his eyes.
For two people who were keeping this light, somehow in his mind they’d slid into dating. Which was why he was putting the extra effort in.
The funny part was, neither of them had said a word about it and it was as if there was this fear if they did, it would ruin what they had.
Though they’d been in contact pretty much daily, whether it was a work conversation or a funny text, they hadn’t done much other than have sex or meals at each other’s house.
Valentine’s Day being the Hallmark holiday that it was, he wanted to take her out, but something told him not to broach it. Again, treading lightly.
“I’ve got dessert,” she said, moving in to give him a kiss on the lips. “I’m hoping you’ve got dessert for me later too.”
In the end he suggested he pick dinner up and have it at his house and he’d jokingly told her to plan on staying the night, that he wanted her in his bed for hours.
She’d laughed and mentioned dessert and it was how they always seemed to get to where they were.
“You know I’ve got what you need,” he said, his arm moving around her waist and pulling her close. He never used to be touchy feely like this either.
“You do,” she said, laughing. “Food. It smells good. What did you get?”
He moved back and took the box out of her hand and brought it to the kitchen. She slipped her jacket off and hung it and was right after him with her overnight bag on her shoulder.
“You said you like seafood and it’s not something either of us cooks. I got this spicy shrimp, clam and scallops dish over fettuccine and then a seafood casserole. I figured we can both have some of each if you want.”
“Aw,” she said, winking at him. “Like inLady and the Tramp?”
He rolled his eyes. “Sure, if it makes you feel good to think that. What did you bring for dessert?”
She grabbed the box from his hand and opened it, then put it on the counter. “Brownies. Dark rich and gooey brownies that have red hearts on them. Aren’t we just such special friends today?”
He laughed but then decided maybe he’d had enough of this charade they had going on.
“Is it really just that still?” he asked.
He pulled plates down and got the food out of the oven where he’d had it stored to keep it warm. He’d only beaten her here by ten minutes and it allowed him to take a fast shower and change.
“Is what that?” she asked. She wasn’t looking at him but opening up the food and all but licking her lips. He didn’t think she was playing with him as much as maybe she didn’t get what he was asking.
“Are we still just in this friends with benefits situation? It seems to me that it’s evolved to more without us even knowing it.”
She stopped and looked up. Just stared at him. He could see the wheels turning. “It does seem that.”
At least she acknowledged it. “And?” he asked. “What are your thoughts on that?”
“I’m not sure I’ve thought one way or another. I mean, it’s working, right? Do we need to have a name for it at this point?”
He let out a relieved breath. “No. You’re right.”
They started to fill their plates up. “I still don’t want the Fierces to know,” she said. “Or is that something you are trying to feel me out about too?”
“No,” he said. “None of that has changed. I think I’ve been hesitant to even bring this up because it seems whenever I’m in a relationship—”
“It’s a relationship now?” she asked, grinning at him.
She was yanking on his chainnow, he knew. “Whatever it is, it’s working,” he clarified. “I didn’t buy you a gift today, so if it is a relationship, then I suck as a boyfriend. Guess I’ve been told that enough too.”
He wouldn’t admit that he’d considered getting her something but knew that would be pushing it. He was just happy they were having this conversation.