Page 68 of Fierce- Royce
“I do,” she said. “But right now I think I need something dark and rich in my mouth.”
“I’ve got something rich to put in your mouth,” he said, laughing.
“Oh yeah. That too.”
She scooted away from him and grabbed the box, pulled out one of the two massive brownies and cut it in half. He grabbed one half and her the other. They each took a bite, then he wiped some of the frosting on his finger and ran it down the side of her neck.
“I can think of something else to do with this dessert,” he said, his mouth dipping down and licking the sweet concoction off.
“Take your shirt off,” she said.
He laughed and did. She took the brownie and rubbed it on his chest and he tried not to cringe. “Yep, this works.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to his room. “I’m really good at cleaning things up. Let me have room to get to work.”
“You can have all the space and time you need,” he said, lying on the bed where she’d given him a little playful shove.
Yeah, whatever they had was working out better than he ever thought it might.
Sweet And Domestic
“Morning, Chloe.”
She turned to look at Jade standing in her doorway the next day. She had part of the other brownie that didn’t get eaten on her desk. Royce had taken the other half of that one too. It’s not like she got to eat her first half the traditional way and spent more time licking it off his chest.
Last night hadn’t been anything at all like she expected it to be.
She went to his house planning on having fun and laughing like always. She walked away feeling fuller in her life than ever before.
She’d give him credit for broaching the subject that had been the ping-pong ball in her head for weeks.
There was one thing to be said about the way they started things. They were friends and it seemed to be something they didn’t want to lose.
A respect where they could talk openly with each other.
Yep, they’d had some disagreements. They’d fought a bit too. But they always worked it out.
Compromise. Funny how that word was sticking in her head now.
“Good morning, Jade. How are you feeling today?”
“Good as gold,” Jade said. “This pregnancy is a piece of cake. Or should I say brownie like the one on your desk?”
She looked down and laughed. “It is good. And you look great as always.”
“I popped out faster with this one, but they say that is normal with the second. Adriana did too.”
Adriana was Jade’s twin Wyatt’s wife. They were due within a few weeks of each other and the announcement came on New Year’s Day.
“Did you have a nice Valentine’s Day?” Chloe asked.
“I did. Brock cooked for me and Lucas made me a card.”
“That’s very sweet,” she said.
“And what did you do last night?” Jade asked, moving in. Her eyes on the brownie again.
“Had a nice dinner and some dessert,” she said. She picked up some of the brownie and put it in her mouth. “As you can tell, there is a bit left over.”