Page 81 of Fierce- Royce
“I do,” she said.
He could feel all the tension in his body getting ready to uncoil and lash out. He wasn’t sure the last time he’d said someone was his.
No. He’d never said it. He wasn’t even shocked he was saying it to her.
When her nails started to mark his back, he felt the burn and something more. Something he wasn’t going to say though. Neither one of them was ready for it and he’d have to be happy with what he’d gotten so far.
Her head went back and she started to chant out his name. The minute he felt her muscles starting to squeeze his dick everything let loose and exploded inside of him, draining all the energy he had.
He all but collapsed on the table but then rolled so that he was on his back. “Wow,” he said.
“We both won tonight,” she said. “But I think I need a shower. My back is burning too.”
He sat up and pulled her up and looked at her back to see the red marks and some green felt stuck to her skin. “Sorry about that,” he said. “I guess we got a little carried away.”
“And then some,” she said. “But totally worth it. Next time we’ll try darts though and then do it against the wall.”
“Works for me,” he said, picking her up. “Time to clean up and get in bed.”
“Are you going to tuck me in?”
“If you want me to,” he said.
“I want you to do what you want to me,” she said and laid her head on his shoulder. If that wasn’t a vulnerable move by her, he didn’t know what was.
Good Enough For Her
“Thanks for meeting me here,” Zander said to Royce ten days later. “I know you’re swamped and have bigger projects than this and that you don’t always even do this part of it. If it works out and you don’t get to me until the summer that is fine. I’d just like to be in before the end of the year.”
“That works,” Royce said. “My father and the Fierces are meeting us here too. You know my father would love to see you again and the Fierces have to do all the work. They could just send over one of their engineers.”
Yeah, he didn’t bring clients here. Never. He didn’t come in until it was a done deal. This was really his father’s part of the business to manage at this stage. It wasn’t like he was a personal partner or anything. The business was and he just couldn’t handle this on top of everything else.
If he was already here and asked to come up for a few questions, that was one thing, but today he was going out of his way because it was a friend, and then they were meeting Chloe later.
Just more rearranging of his schedule, but he was getting used to doing that too.
“Chloe,” Zander said, winking at him.
“She does most of it, but there are two others doing work too. One floor is a massive project so Chloe did a lot of the work with Drake Fierce for that.”
“What’s the deal with you two? You said no one knows so I won’t say anything if she shows up. But wouldn’t you know if she was going to be here?” Zander asked.
“She’ll text me if she is. I haven’t heard from her so I’m going to guess no, but things can change last minute. The Fierces and my father have been trying to set me up with Chloe for years. I didn’t know until she said something a few months ago. She didn’t even realize it either.”
“So it worked,” Zander said. “Why keep it quiet?”
“I don’t like someone else controlling my life,” he said. “No one knows it worked. It’s a long story.”
“I get it,” Zander said. “I do. And you’re dying to know what I found out about Chloe’s birth mother, aren’t you?”
He sighed. “You said you’ve got information and wanted to meet with her tonight.”
Chloe had told him Zander called her a few days ago and asked if they could meet. They were going to dinner tonight. The three of them. In his eyes it worked out well and he could maybe play it off as a work dinner after this meeting, but he was more concerned with just being there for Chloe more than anything else.
His old buddy wasn’t giving anything away right now on what he found though.