Page 85 of Fierce- Royce
But someone’s foot was going to be hitting the gas soon she was sure.
She wouldn’t know which one though. There were more important things to talk about first.
“Are you okay?”
She turned and saw Royce looking at her in bed. “Yes, why?”
“You just groaned.”
“I did?” she asked. She’d had no clue she had.
“Yes,” he said. “Do you feel sick?”
“No,” she said, moving the covers back. Her bladder was screaming and she didn’t want to waste this and it was recommended to take the test first thing in the morning. But to do that, she had to get it out of her purse which was on the chair across from the bed.
She got up and moved toward it. “What are you doing?” he asked. “Oh, never mind. One of those female things?”
She snorted. “No.” She took a deep breath and pulled it out and then turned and showed him. “I’ve got to pee really bad. We’ll talk when I get out. I promise.”
His face had paled and she wasn’t sure she liked that reaction but realized hers probably matched it.
She came out a few minutes later, leaving the test on the counter.
“Come sit down,” he said. “How long have you suspected this?”
“I feel like such an idiot,” she said, putting her head in her hands. “A few weeks now.”
“Why haven’t you said anything?” His hand came out and rubbed up and down her arm. At least he was giving her comfort and not running for the door. Well, it was his house so he wouldn’t do that.
“I’m four weeks late,” she said.
“Damn. I should have been around more for you to talk to me. Or for me to see it.”
Now he was running his hands overhisface and she didn’t want that.
“No,” she said. “I’ve been in denial. Really.”
“Really?” he asked. “You just started to suspect it a few weeks ago?”
“I’ve never been regular. I mean I could be a week late and it didn’t matter. It’s not like I was having sex regularly. And we’ve been protected every time.”
“We have been, but that means nothing. Nothing is one hundred percent unless we don’t do it, I’m snipped, or you’re tied off. Neither of us is in that situation.”
She laughed. At least he was trying to crack a joke and not panicking like she was trying not to do. Unless it was forced bravado. Probably that.
“No, we aren’t. Between not thinking much of being late on and off, the letter from Emily, then looking into her. Work. I don’t know. Life got away from me. About two weeks ago I got thinking more time had passed than I realized and I tried to think back to when I had it last. It was the end of January.”
She knew that because she’d just gotten over her period before New Year’s Eve so that was what made it easier to have that be their first time together. She would have been pissed off if after all their planning she’d have to cancel on him for that reason.
Though she didn’t know the exact date, she knew the timeline and that helped.
“Okay,” he said. “Let’s just see what this test says before we do anything else.”
“I know. I try to plan a lot in life and this isn’t planned at all. Most don’t even know we are dating and then I’m going to get fat soon.”
His hand dropped to her belly. “You’re not going to get fat. If you’re pregnant, my child is in there. That isn’t fat.”
“No,” she said. “Sorry. I’m a little irrational right now.”